
What did this dream mean?

by  |  earlier

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This guy and I used to be really great friends but we got into a fight and now we don't talk. I've been trying to leave him emails, telling him how much he means to me...but, he ignores them.

Anyway, in the dream, I dreamt that he actually responded this time and was really excited about being friends again. The next thing I knew he invited me over to his house, because his mom was going to be gone for an hour or so. I told him that I should probably ask my dad if it was okay, but neither of us had a phone. So, we decided to just take the bus to his house and when we got there I would call and see if it was okay. When we got there, we went to play on his computer and I kinda cuddled into him. Later we heard that his mom was still home and we went into panic...So we ran out and he walked me back home.

Then I woke up. The dream felt so real and I could actually feel how happy I was in the dream, and I woke up happy.




  1. From what i can tell, you probably like him alot still and the dream was just a dream where you to actually made up and he liked you as well. Kind of like a fantasy.

  2. it means you in someway still have strong feelings for him

  3. You dream is sending you a "mixed message" because in real life you are conflicted about this relationship. Meaning, "Yes,I want this, No, I don't!"

    Having no phone available got you "off the hook" in a sense--meaning since no phone was readily available, you were not responsible, you had no choice but to go with him. Notice when you got to his house, you "forgot" to call. It is said that no one really forgets, if it is something that is REALLY important to them. Similar to a verbal Freudian slip, you had a "thought" Freudian slip. We all do that!

    Trains are considered phallic symbols (p***s -like) because of the shape, not sure if buses are, but they are similar in shape. Maybe just a more common every-day version  of a train. Travel can also mean, "getting away from it all", meaning responsiblities, and real life. Granted a bus ride is NOT a great cruise ship, but it is a way to escape the usual.

    The phrase "play on his computer"  is interesting as well. Could mean "play with his head " (the one atop his shoulders!!) Since the computer is an emotionless machine, that fact that you cuddled with him while you were on the computer might mean that you were trying to open him up emotionally to you and "playing" of course has a sexual sense as well.

    I think deep down you don't trust this guy, (and you have good reason for that) so when you found out that his mom was home, panic set in and gave you a good reason and an excuse to get out of there, because you don't trust this guy and don't want to get hurt.

    I think you should listen to your gut here, be friends okay, but take it slow, but if it does not feel right, don't invest any more time with him.

    The fact that he walked you back home tell me you still trust him somewhat, and home respresents safety--deep breath, I'm home!

    Hope this help, it was a very interesting dream!

  4. It means that you're g*y.  Sorry to be the one to break it to you.

  5. I believe that it just shows you how much you cared for him.

    try to talk to him in person, then he cant ignore you.

    the same thing happened to me, except the dream part

    but we accidentally went to our friends house at the same time

    we just started to warm up to each other again

    now were datin and life couldnt be better

  6. You like him,but now that you are no longer friends its hard on you and you basically miss him being your friend. I think that if the two of you remained friends then you would be closer than you ever thought before. Odds are he's probably thinking of you too. Try to get in contact with him because if you are thinking about him like that in dreams, then the fight couldn't have been as bad as you thought and the friendship is totally replenish-able.

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