
What did u learn from ur life which ur living?

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What did u learn from ur life which ur living?




  1. I learned that the only one you can count on in life is yourself.  I learned that if you want to achieve anything in life, achieve any dream, it is up to you and only you to make it happen.  I learned that I am the master of my own destiny and that anyone who chooses to be with me is with me by choice and is not mine to do with as I please.  I learned to give respect to those who deserve it and compassion all who need it.  I learned to concentrate on the moment which is now, and not to let the pressures of tomorrow or the pain of yesterday deter me from my focus of the here and now.

    That and I learned to cook a good steak

  2. when life gives you lemons, put them in a sock and beat life in the head with them.

  3. Don't trust men.

  4. dont be lazy  

  5. That it is hard to have dylexia and ADD without someone making fun of you

  6. That if I trip on something, I should remind myself to move it or not make the same mistake again.

  7. im still learing but live like there is NO tomm.

  8. To control my anger (most of the time)

    that it hurts most when they are gone and you can't talk to them about how MUCH you miss them when they are dead

    that no matter how much you tell your self they are going to die it doesn't hit you until they are dead

    never tell someone that is friends with you and one of your siblings ANYTHING

    hope is misery

    if you care to get anywhere, you have to get your self there

    the list goes on

  9. I learned how to spell words completely.

  10. stop having lots of s*x with different men...your labia will stretch long and they will get tangled in your thongs.

  11. That Goats ROCK!

  12. that i still got alot to learn

  13. I've learned that hair, fancy clothes, fancy cars don't mean anything... as I don't live to appease other people. All that matters in the end is me.

    The most important lesson all Black women should learn.

  14. Soup trumps salad.

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