
What did u spend ur 'Economic Stiumulus package' on?

by  |  earlier

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I got made unemployed and no ones hiring, so Im using it to survive for 2 months. My jobs being outsourced to india, china and/or Korea.




  1. I'll be using it to file for divorce, and paying for my fall semester textbooks.  And maybe a pizza.

  2. I spent mine on beach supplies, ice cream, some swimwear, & a few pizza dinners at a local pizza place.

  3. Mine was spent on bills and food for similar reasons.  Too little too late...

  4. I spent it on a PS3.

    I got made unemployed too last year. I used unemployment benefits to survive til I found a better job. Two weeks of unemployment should be the same as your stimulus check, look into it.

  5. I used most of the money for bills and about 250 of it for a new baby crib.

  6. I bought some new clothes and bought some extra snacks with it.  I also spent it downtown on snocones and lemonade.

    I hope everyone spends theirs wisely.  We need an economic stimulus to get jobs rolling.

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