
What did u think of the english exam today(aqa)?

by  |  earlier

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dat shakt u silly girl u dont hav 2 be from the same school to do the same exam




  1. Hmm it was average not easy not hard.

  2. I thought it was quite good.

  3. i thought it was alright, as expected really.

  4. I didn't think it was too bad i was unclear exactly what to write for the other cultures poetry because i thought that we had to describe the decriptors was a bit of an ambiguous question. However i thought section B was ok i answered question six which i found quite enjoyable and straight forward although who knows how they mark it? :)

  5. i fort it was ok

    not to bad the poetrry questions was rathe easy but i found the section B rather hard :P

    i never normally write enough tho i always run out of time :(


  6. My sister did it and said that the creative writing section was harder than she expected, but the short stories questions were okay.

  7. it was crazzzzy toughhh mannn!!!! :O i kno you?

  8. if i had taken it i would have ace it - BOOO YEA

  9. i loved it, the thing with English is that you don't really know how well you've done until you get the results! With maths and subjects like that you know if you've got the answer right or wrong but English we just have to wait and see!

  10. we're not all from your school.;...

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