
What did we evolve from?

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what is your opinion?

what did the human species evolve from?




  1. actually, I don't believe in evolution. In the Bible, it says that we are created by God in His own image. He carefully made us. He is like a potter and we are His clay. That is also what you should believe and not evolution.

  2. The consensus of opinuion leans towards Homo Erectus. One theory - the Out of Africa - says that it occurred somewhere in Africa. Another theory says that it was multi-regional. The Neanderthals are largely thought to be a dead end in human evolution.

    Remember this: evolution is a fact and there ware a numebr of competing theories to explain that fact.

  3. Here are the links:

  4. i do not believe in evolution.


    Not a scientist or anthropologist so I don't know, however I do believe in evolution because the BIBLE states it clearly.

  6. nothing.

    we were created.

    Gods went zszzszszs and there we were. adam and eve.

    It seems ridiculous to think we evolved from rats like some say.

    I personally don't want to think of myself as a rat, or an ancestor of one.

  7. If you go back about 32 to 35 millions of years both our ancestors and old world monkey ancestors were descendants of Aegyptopithecus.  

    It appears that this boy was the ancestor of us and the actual monkey. Other primates such as Bonobos, Chimps, Great Apes, Orangutans, along with us humans took one path and the monkeys too another.

    We got lucky!

  8. After hundreds of millions of years of evolution, there were tree shrew like mammals.  These evolved into monkey. Some monkeys grew larger and tailess and became apes.  Some apes became bipedal (i.e. Sahelanthropus).  Some bipedal apes became big brained (H. ruldolfensis and H. erectus).  Some became bigger brained (H. heidelbergensis).

    Heidelbergensis evovled into Neanderthals and humans.

  9. It is a common belief that we came from Neanderthals, but that is not true. Based on carbon dating of both humans and neanderthals, we lived at exactly the same time in history some 40,000 years ago. This means that at a single time there were two species of the genus Homo living together. I'm not trying to say I know where we came from, but our evolutionary timeline is not exactly a line at all. It's more of a spiral or web. But our earliest ancestor that began the Hominid species I guess is called Australopithecus Afarensis, or Lucy as we call her. That is the first upright walking being we know about and that is what triggered our evolution into what we are today, the ability to walk upright.

  10. Humans evolved from higher order simians

  11. apes they are our common ancestor

  12. the human race today evolved from lesser species of man, such as cro magnon.  before that came apes, then monkeys, then some lesser form of primate, going all the way down, down, down, to the first life forms on earth, bacteria and single celled, anaerobic (not needing oxygen) forms of algae.

       if you dont believe me, just look at chimps.  they actually wage war with other clans, sharpening sticks with their teeth to use as weapons.  they use tools, and have the intelligence of a present day five year old.

  13. ....It's not a matter of "opinion". How far back are you looking? Our most current, direct ancestor is h. erectus.

    My question is, what are you doing in an anthropology forum if you don't believe in science--evolution?

  14. Mankind was originated and created by God around 6000 years ago in Adam and Eve...the first two people on earth. Adam was the first man according to Genesis and Eve was the first woman....Genesis 3:20 states her name means the "mother of all the living"  They had no ancestors....let alone primate ones. Jesus confirms this in Mark 10:6-9..

    6 But from the beginning of the creation, God ‘made them male and female.’[a] 7 ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, 8 and the two shall become one flesh’;[b] so then they are no longer two, but one flesh. 9 Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”

    Population studies bear this out using the current global population and working backwards with known and accepted formulas for reproductive rates. If mankind originated around 4-500,000 years ago as evolution states, the current global popualtion would exceed the number of atoms in the universe. Even bringing the origin up to 25,000 years ago and using the lowest reproductive rate ever seen, the current global population would exceed 140 billion people. Through the study of genetics and  mitochondrial "Eve",  science has shown that she lived around 6000 years ago agreement with the Biblical record in Genesis.

  15. it depends on how far back you want to go. the earliest ancestor of the homo genus was homo habilis. however homo habilis shared the world with at least 2 other hominids. australopithecus africanus and australopithicus bosiei. not only did they all live side by side but if you go back even further they are all descended from a little guy known as ramapithecus. of course you can go back even further than that if you like but the fossil record that far back in our line is a bit sketchy.

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