
What did you all think of Obama's Acceptance Speech?

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I feel he did exactly what he needed to. Please don't be bias, if you like him or not, just give me your comments on his speech.




  1. It was beautifully delivered...very powerful.  

  2. One of the best speeches I ever heard.  

  3. It was very good.

  4. Truly loved it.  Future President Obama showed that he is not a pushover, but a respectful opponent in the debate for the most beneficial American policies.

  5. It was a brilliant speech.  He went against Mccain and the Republicans; he spoke in a way to all Americans can relate to.  He directly stated what he is going to do and how he is going to do it.  The speech moved along at a great pace.  It didn't drag.  It had great high points and poignant moments.  Excellent speech.  

  6. I loved it! My teenage son watched it with me and was so inspired. I think he can turn this country around.  

  7. Sh*t I wonder why Tony Robbins never ran for president since all you have to do is make people feel good with some warm, fuzzy, and meaningless talk.

    Does any adult fall for this c**p from American politicians anymore, or is it just like Santa Claus when you were 8 and you still wish you could believe so you try to trick yourself?

  8. Platitudes:  Trite, meaningless, biased or prosaic statements presented as theywere significant and original.

  9. I thought it was very good, not great...It wasn't as cohesive as I would have liked but it was very good.  

  10. i had to eat a loaf of bread to settle my stomach

  11. It was really really cool.

    That's a true person who can be president.

    I'm gonna vote for him.

  12. It was a very good speech. He really attempted to bring us all in. He spoke of those against abortion agreeing that we should have fewer unwanted pregnancies, agreed.  He said that we should be able to agree that even if we were against g*y/L*****n rights that we could certainly agree that they should be able to visit their significant other in the hospital. I agree, we should all have affordable health care.

    I am Christian and I do agree. It doesn't change, tho that I believe that abortion is sin, and so is the g*y lifestyle. But He did make a great attempt to draw me in. And it really came home when he spoke of our country no longer being just a Christian nation, but of a nation of diverse religions. So true, it always has been - that's freedom of religion. And my heart broke when he asked if we did rid our country of all other religions then which doctrine of Christianity would we follow. We have so divided ourselves by wanting our own way that Christianity doesn't even resemble what it should be.

    All-in-all, he made a very uniting speech. He did what so many have done in the past, tugged at our heart strings. He made promises that we so want to see happen. Lower taxes, better education, affordable health care, and  national security. Unless our politicians unite, (if history is the example, and it is, they will not) few to none of his promises will be fulfilled.. once again to our, the American people's, detriment.

  13. It was full of optimism and love for the USA.

    mccain and his supporters HATE it!

  14. No mistakes and to the point I think the republicans have been caught off guard by his greatness. f.p

  15. Boring and "safe"!

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