
What did you bring to court to prove your childs father unfit?

by  |  earlier

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please tell me what proof you had and if he gets visitation!




  1. as long as hes the father and theres proof (like his name on the childs birth certificate) he will get visitation no matter what, unless he does drugs or goes out alot and partys like a rock star , thats the only way you can prove hes unfit. could be other stuff though

  2. I brought My Child Father in.... LOL just playing..

    If he truly is unfit, then list instances where he has abused the children or is unable to take care of them. If you are just trying to get custody and need to lie in order to do that, then the truth will come out in court - it always does and judges are very good at detecting lies.

    The legally preferred method and the safest for the parent wishing to take such action is to request the state's department of family services or child protective services to do an investigation.

    Please be advised that once an investigation has been implemented it can be applicable to both parents especially if the alledgedly abusive parent request a like action.

  3. Any sort of documentation is helpful. Use medical records if there is any depression, mental health, etc.

  4. documentation.  He got supervised visitation.

  5. no need his past spoke for its self and no visitation

  6. Ok, my sister took pictures of violent things her ex had done, like throwing the phone through the window pane.  And her statement.  But the judge will decide about visitation.  My niece's father does get visitation, but he doesn't really take advantage of it.  She's hoping he'll stop coming or calling so she can file neglect and remove her daughter from his very unfit life.  He's an awful influence and told my sister he'd introduce their daughter to drugs....

  7. That's strange because most parents I know that are unfit are the mothers, but then again maybe they just "stick out" more.

  8. Ask your lawyer what you need to be better prepared. They will be able to tell you specifically what you need for your case in the state you reside.

    Here's what we did:

    Keep a notebook with dated & timed entries. Include:

    -calls made to him with what you discussed/decided (times, changes, special directions or requests, etc...)

    -calls from him with what you discussed/decided (times, changes, etc...)

    -visits and what went on (child went willingly, plans?, questions)

    -appearances of him & child (at visits, pick-up/drop-offs, around town, etc..) clean? dirty? on time? rested? sober?

    -note changes in behavior (drinking, smoking, not working, etc...) in him? in child after visit (not sleeping, bed wetting, hateful, clingy, etc...)

    -statements from RELIABLE people (ministers, teachers, day care staff, etc...NOT his ex or your friends unless 2 or more witness something) about behavior, attitude, etc...

    -Try to get texts or emails from him when things are odd or questionable, keep locked in phone (some carriers will help you with records and printouts) or print outs of emails.

    -Take photos of living conditions(inside/outside), vehicle, neighborhood, appearance, etc...

    -Be cautious of recording via cell, tape or video. (without permission or knowledge will not be accepted by the court so don't waste time, money and a chance at irritating judge.

    -Write down any money or items he gives you and when. (If possible have witness at monetary exchanges, a friend, neighbor, grandparent, etc...NOT the new boyfriend...unless situation is long-standing relationship with good reputation or there is an engagement)

    -Note anything that you consider a reason he is unfit.

    Be specific. Do not include rumors in with facts. (unless you see it with your own eyes or hear it with your own ears it can be considered hearsay.) Keep seperate page of rumor type info list anyone involved and mini-bio (name, relationship, occupation, etc...)

    Don't pick fights or try to lure info. Tends to backfire.

    Remember...he will be looking for your faults too. (maybe keeping the same notes!)

    Don't do anything that can be held against you. Watch what you say to people...they repeat and twist. Can be a big problem if you are caught trash-talking.

    If you complain about him drinking, don't be hanging out at the bar.

    If you point out how many women are in and out, make sure the date in discreet.

    If you comment on less than perfect living conditions in house, make sure yours cleaner.

    If you question his ability to care for child, show you have taken parenting classes or sign up for them, be seen doing good things (trips to park, church, etc...)

    ***We had very good results but we had some very serious situations. It didn't even require half the information we had to get what we requested.

  9. Him not being there is proof enough.

    Oddly it falls on him to prove you wrong so you really don't need to bring much of anything in the way of proof.

    And no one on here can tell you if he gets visitation. That is for a judge to decide.

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