
What did you buy that had to be assembled that you thought would be easy but wasn't and why was it so hard?

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What did you buy that had to be assembled that you thought would be easy but wasn't and why was it so hard?




  1. The nuclear reactor I ordered after the Soviet Union collapsed.  All those out of work physicists assured me it would be no problem to assemble, but ...I am still trying to figure out how to connect the cooling tower to the actual reactor.  I think they left a lot of parts out.  The again, maybe I have evidence that explains Chernobyl.

  2. My husband...because he is a man!

  3. some toy ship.


    no way im buying more stuff lol

  4. anything from ******* ikea. holy c**p they make it d**n near impossible to assemble their products.

  5. LOL!  Any boxed furniture from Ikea or Kmart!

  6. Well nothing really because I seem to be very handy when it comes to stuff like that.

  7. A crib.  It was just so confusing, and of course it has to be assembled correctly for the saftey of your baby!

  8. rockband... lol

  9. A freaking four shelf bookcase!!  It came with the wrong size screws and the wood was cut in all different sizes!  it was a bit@h!  So I took it back and the gave me a new one...same thing!  so I ended up throwing it out because I broke it into a million pieces after getting frustrated.  Never buy furniture from Target, it is all junk!

  10. The first piece of put it together furnature.  It was a computer desk and it was a pain to assemble.   Too many screws, the pre drilled holes were off and a piece was missing.

  11. An ultralight was definitely harder to assemble than a Lego set.

  12. bunkbeds.... because they looked simple but not ez to do alone..

  13. Anything from Ikea. 1,000 parts = difficult

  14. One of those small BBQ grills. 2 hours and 6 beers later.......

  15. haha power wheel sets

  16. Loftbed, for me.

    If the desk was flipped, it'd mess everything up.  If the ladder was up just a notch, it'd be messed up.  if the wooden frames weren't lined up, you had to unscrew everything.

    Pain in the royal butt!  

  17. Yeah I bought this stupid chair from Target. It was supposed to be easy. All of the furniture hardware like the bolts and nuts were made out of some really soft metal that broke and stripped. I ended up having to throw the directions and hardware away and go to Lowes to buy American-made rather than Chinese made hardware. So it ended up costing $20 more and took like 3 times as much time to put together.

  18. basket ball hoop

  19. huh?

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