
What did you do after all your kids went to school?

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I will have lots of freetime! I was thinking of getting a part time job on the side to make a little extra money when all my kiddos are in school. I currently work graveyard now. What did you when you had all the kids in school?




  1. i do my housework when he is in school.. treat myself to whatever. have my alone time, b/c everyone needs that.  then when i pick him up, i am energized and ready to put my full attnetion on him.. house is clean. im refreshed, and everyone is happy.. thats what i do..

  2. When my kids all started school I worked part time in the school lunch room I made a little extra money got to meet my kids' friends and stayed on top of there school work, and one day a week I would help out in one of there class rooms (cutting out art projects, doing flash cards with kids reading a story to the class so the teacher could grade papers or work one on one with a student) they werevery greatful and my kids were glad I was there.

  3. I worked at their school as a lunchroom/playground supervisor.  It was only a few hours a day, and I didn't even work all 5 days at first.  It was nice because I got to see my kids during the fun time of the day, and also got to watch them interact with their friends during the day's only free time.

  4. I don't have kids but when I was in grade school my mom would stay home and clean up but later on she got a job because we were getting older.

  5. I don't have all my kids in school, but I work in an office 7:30-4 and am taking classes online.

  6. I work.

  7. I work school hours, so I can pick my youngest up from school.

    I'd rather eat ground glass than stay home and do housework.

  8. Oh my god - do something.  Don't sit at home and clean the house all day and sit on your butt, thinking "oh I have so much free time, what can I possibly do?"  Get a part-time job.  Do the classroom volunteer thing, work for the school where your kids are.  Stop the graveyard shift (if you want) - now you can work normal hours.  It is possible to take care of the house, the kids and work for a living.

  9. I went to work for our school district, that way I work their hours. I had to start as a sub and eventually got a full time job. I really enjoy kids so I found it to be fun, and gave me a lot more appreciation for all those ladies on the play ground everyday. You don't make a lot of money, but it gave us extra spending money we did not have, or enough to buy  the kids school close as needed without stressing about how we would afford it.

  10. I went back to school. Pretty hectic having to come home and cook, clean, and help with homework.  But it can be done.

  11. I don't have all of them in school yet.  I had one in kindergarten last year and my 3 year old at home with me.  When my son was in kinder I worked in the classroom for a few hours and the teacher let me bring my 3 year old. Next year when she goes to pre school and my son in 1st I will do house work, run around town, or even take a nap.  WOW  Thinking about when both of them go to school full time I might think about getting that part time job.  I still want to be there for them before and after school.   Good luck I will be in your possition in a few years.

  12. when my olderst two went to school i was head of the pto, a den leader for the boy scouts and even coached soccer one year. when all three of my boys got into school full time (youngest in kindergarten) then i went back to college.

    i took my free time while my kids was in school to double up on classes to finish early and now i am working full time with a 2 year degree, raising three sons (still keeping thier extra curricular acitivites) and still taking classes for my bachelors.

    you can do it.(sometimes i wonder) but its not easy

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