
What did you do for your 13th birthday?

by Guest64695  |  earlier

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What did you do for your 13th birthday?




  1. i had some friends come over to spend the night and we went to a spa and went swimming and come back and watched scary movies! It was fun!

  2. had a party at my parens house with all my friends, had pizza, and then went ice skating!! It was pretty fun, but one of my friends broke her leg :( :( other than that it was a lot of fun..

  3. I invited all my friends over for movie night. :)

  4. I didn't really do a party, I just got these super expensive presents from my parents, grandparents, etc. I thought it was better than a party, but you should definitely have a party at 16. Or 18.

  5. had a boy girl party at my friends house. She threw it for me

  6. i went in a limo with some girly friends and sum boiiz. We drove round 4 ages n had some alcopops. Then we went 4 dina then dropped most of ma m8s home and i had 3 girlys to the cinima then a sleepova it wos so fun!

  7. I had a party at my parents' house and had a shot of pink champagne

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