
What did you do?

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my daughter's 8months old and we are starting to think about what we should do for her 1st birthday we dont know if we should have a thing at our house with close relatives or if we should have a big party with all our friends and families there what did you do for your childs 1st birthday?




  1. On my daughter first birthday me and my partner took her to bristol zoo for the day. She absolutely loved it, and we enjoyed spending the day together, the three of us.

    The next day we had a little tea party with her uncles, nanny and cousins

  2. we had a tea party with family and friends at our home. we made smoothies and health finger foods. as our boys birthday was in june we had nice weather so we had a paddling pool and ball pool in the garden. if the weather isn't nice for your little ones birthday you could have a ball pool inside.

  3. for my daughters first birthday we had a party with all the special adults in my daughters life she was to young to have friends but has alot of people who care about her and wanted to spend the special day with her

    we just done a simple bbq as her birthday is august so we had good sunny weather she enjoyed herself and ate her first ever piece of chocolate lol

  4. For my son's first birthday, we invited over some close friends and family. A lot of our friends had children of their own a similar age so we organised some small, fun games for the children. They're only young so it was more of a social event but my son loved it. We got some party food and balloons and decorated the house, he opened his presents in front of everyone as well.

  5. For Lola's and Chloe's we had our whole family and some friends over. For Aedan we had both sides of the family. And Lillian isn't one yet so I dunno with her.

  6. My son just turned his 1st Bday 2 weeks ago, and around the same time as u, i start preparing for his big day. But , latter  lots of my friends told me not to go crazy, cause he is just too little. So here some things that i did.

    I celebrate his Bday at my parents house, it's big and a lot of place to play. I both bunch of balloons and tags. Nice clothes for the hole family (animal clothes), cute ties, so everyone can wear. We had BBQ, so it was of course plates, forks, knife's, cups....all Birthday words. Big blue cake with Winnie the Pooh on the clouds. It was soooo  cute, we had fun, and of course a lot of pictures.

    But still he slept a lot, and after that we had fireworks, but at the end he got scared. So first Bday is fun, but for the baby is too much!!!

    So don't go crazy!!!

    Good luck to u with everything........

  7. i would just do a big party with only my reletives . inviting your friends would be a waste of money
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