
What did you do to celebrate Cinco De Mayo???

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What did you do to celebrate Cinco De Mayo???




  1. Nice one DJ. I waved an American flag and was glad to b in America than in Mexico. This is America, we dont celebrate foreign country holidays here, only American holidays.

  2. Nothing, that is not a French feast.

  3. I would have probably eaten a taco if she had shown up.

  4. i shot 3 mexicans yeh digg

  5. I wished upon a star that all the people celebrating this holiday would move to Mexico and take all their family and friends with them.

  6. nothing im american

    only mexicans should celebrate this hoilday

  7. El Cinco de Mayo is a national holiday only in Mexico... It has nothing to do with other countries...

    Like the 4th. of July in the USA.

    or the 14 Juillet in France (known as Bastille day in english).

    Each of these holidays pertain to one country only.

    The celebration of the Cinco de Mayo is to commemorate The Battle of Puebla which took place on May 5, 1862 near the city of Puebla during the French intervention in Mexico. The battle ended in a victory for the Mexican Army against the French occupational forces. The victory is celebrated today during the festivities of Cinco de Mayo (5th of May).

    On September 16, 1862, President Benito Juárez declared that the anniversary of the Battle of Puebla would be a national holiday, regarded as "Battle of Puebla Day" or just Cinco de Mayo. Although it is recognized as a day of celebration, nowadays it is not a federal holiday in Mexico.

    It is also celebrated locally in certain communities of mexican origins in the southwestern areas of the USA.

    In the United States, a common misconception is that Cinco de Mayo is Mexico's independence day, which it is not, the Dia de la Independencia is on September 16th.

    I was going to make guacamole and other mexican food for my family (just for fun), but had to put it off 'til the coming weekend... And anyway, I don't live in France or Mexico (tho' I have lived in both).

  8. Put some new plants in my garden.

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