
What did you do to celebrate Earth Day?

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What did you do to celebrate Earth Day?




  1. Applied the last coat of aluminum paint to the top of a cable tank, mopped the deck (with plain water), ate a salad for lunch, filled a lifeboat with 1200 gallons of water for a weight test tomorrow and rode my bike around the block.   Pretty nasty day.

  2. Nothing out of the ordinary. I try to do my part everyday. For decades before it was popular. Not just with the "feel good" stuff, but in nearly all of my activities. it's good for the bank account to. Like instead of recycling plastic water bottles, I don't buy them in the first place. instead of truning the thermostat down, I never turn it up. My yearly cabon output is about 1 days worth of Al Gore's.

  3. I quit my job--it envolved a lot of driving--TOO much driving.

    It's bad for the environment and my bank account!

  4. i planted 3 avocado trees yum. and I'm going to buy those cloth bags from the store. a can you use a staters one at Ralph's. hahaha

  5. I threw the Earth a big party, but it seemed like I was doing all the talking. come to think of it, the Earth didn't even seem to like my dinner or the cake that i made for it. oh, well : maybe the Earth was just having a bad day.

  6. turned some lights off

  7. I rode the bus to celebrate Earth Day.

  8. Absolutely nothing out of the ordinary.

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