
What did you do with your "tax rebate"?

by  |  earlier

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Put mine into the bank.




  1. Put a patio in, re-doing my son's room and paid off various bills.

  2. my riding lawn mower engine blew today, so buy a new mower. thanks bush

  3. I Lost Mine In The Mail ... What Do I Do Now ?

  4. on the shelf

  5. Bought my son a very cheap used car.

  6. Booze and American Prostitutes.. Can't get anymore stimulated than that.

  7. Didn't get it yet.

  8. Unlike what the government said we would get, the pittance I got went into a shotgun to protect myself from my next door neighbors (NO JOKE!)

  9. paid parking tickets--car was booted.

  10. new washer and dryer

  11. my TV quit the week before I got it, so...

    and gave the rest of it away to my family members that needed it.

  12. saved it to put in my gas tank to make it back and forth to work this summer....gee thanks president bush

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