
What did you eat the most when you where pregnant?

by Guest34046  |  earlier

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Honestly, I don't want to eat much of anything, its like i lost apetite. I push myself to eat. Whenever I am eatting foods that I ate before, I almost throw up. But now i like oranges and bananas most also cereals in the morning. What did you eat the most during pregnancy?




  1. Just like the first girl said, cereal. I can't get enough of it for some reason, I eat it day and night.

  2. ice cubes

    frozen peas ( still frozen)

    fried bologna, saute onion grilled cheese sandwiches ( which are still a hit in my house.. go figure a craving turned platinum)  

  3. I'm really bad Ive been craving all things sweet especially cheese cake.And b4 i was pregnant i hated soft drink but now i love coke or Pepsi the only thing i can do 2 make that craving a little less bad is drink the sugar free stuff not that it makes much difference though.But anything sweet really  

  4. apples


    Ritz crackers

    garlic chicken (chinese food)

    french fries



    fast food (craved it a lot, but didn't eat it a lot)

    stuffed mushrooms (stuffed with cream cheese mixed with a little soy sauce)

  5. Pineapple.  Lemons.  Hot fudge sundaes.  Salt and vinegar potato chips. OJ.

    The eating things gets better in the second trimester.  By the third, I couldn't eat much because there was no room left in my abdomen and I had gestational diabetes, so I wasn't eating a lot anyway!

  6. Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches.  It was all I seemed to be able to hold down for the first trimester.  :)

  7. Peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches and Peanut butter and Marshmallow fluff sandwiches (yuck lol), I crave them badly..

  8. lets see, the things i ate constantly throughout pregnancy was fried onions/onion rings, miso soup, thai food, and pickles dipped in mayo... oh and broccoli and cheese soup.

    sometimes you will go through times that you really dont feel like eating.

    It is not uncommon for a pregnant woman's appetite to change during pregnancy.  While the stereotype is certainly the pregnant woman who has an appetite for strange food combinations, such as pickles and ice cream, the fact of the matter is that every pregnant woman is unique in how pregnancy affects her appetite.  In fact, one woman's appetite may even change from one pregnancy to her next.

    One of the most common and obvious changes to your appetite that can occur during pregnancy is an increase in appetite.  In addition to the fact that your body knows that it needs extra nutrition during pregnancy, your brain has been told, probably, for a long time, that you will need to be "eating for two" during pregnancy.  

    The idea of "eating for two" is, actually, a myth.  Again, it is true that your baby does need specific nutrients to grow, and that you need more than usual.  But your baby's needs only amount to about an extra 300 calories per day more than what you would normally eat.  So your increase in food intake should be only about 20%, assuming you were on a 1500-calorie diet before becoming pregnant.  While your appetite may change during pregnancy, it is still important to follow correct nutritional guidelines.

    Experiencing a change of appetite during pregnancy in which you have a loss of appetite is less common.   There are some conditions, however, that can cause you to experience appetite loss during pregnancy.  If your appetite decreases during pregnancy, you should speak with your health care provider.  It may be that there is a physiological problem that she needs to help you address.

  9. Curly Fries all the way yum yum, i am 18 week and am literally scoffing a bowl now, i weighed 7 1/2 before getting pregnant and need to increase my calorie intake.

  10. I eat whatever I am feeling because if I don't get what I'm craving or wanting, then I am sick. Mostly what I've craved though is Oranges and orange juice so its not unhealthy although I have given in to Mc Donalds a couple of times...

  11. Fruits. Mainly pineapple, grapes, papaya, and mango because those are my favorite but as long as i get any fruit i will eat it,

    Last night i had no fruit so i took a tomato out of the fridge and ate it just like that.

  12. Each kid was different.  My son Michael is was popeye chicken, Abbey it was Chips and Salsa, Mary is was popsicles, and Sophia it was ice crunching.  I could not stop myself from crunching ice that my back molars became loose.  Everything is back to normal now.  Funny how what hormones does to your body.  I was also sick with my last one so that might explain the ice chips all the time.  Good luck to you

  13. I was one of the lucky few who didn't have any morning sickness during the first trimester. But, some foods definitely were more appetizing than others.  On the 'favorites' list: MANGO, pineapple, strawberries, apples, yogurt, and spicy curries.  I've always eaten a lot of fruit, but now I can't get enough!

  14. almost as soon as i became pregnant i craved strawberry waffles for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  i am now 35 weeks and still eat them religiously

  15. Cottage cheese with tomatoes and cucumbers with salt and pepper. Yum

    And for some reason I loved cheese ravioli.  

  16. mostly I craved crushed ice, but when i was hungry i was eating cheese

    enchiladas with tons of jalapenos

  17. When I was pregnant for my daughter it was sauerkraut's and hot dogs.Macaroni and butter with my son because of not enough to eat in the house .I still hate it to this day


  18. Chocolate Milk

    Tomato Cheese and Mayo Sandwiches

    Rolaides - go figure

    To this day my son (24) hates tomatos

  19. I LOVE bananas, corn flakes with or without milk, ice cream and french fries. Not the best selection I am sure but so far it works because my baby is healthy and so am I!!! Good luck to you!

  20. cereal. I could eat that stuff all day long!

  21. So far at 18 weeks I've been eating a ton of pasta with tomato sauce and veggies. It's all I want half the time. Especially tomatoes and mushrooms! Oh, and I'm really enjoying crackers.

  22. Yes, I love cereal, and doghnuts! I didn't used to like doghnuts before, and now I can't get enough. I don't suggest this

  23. Fruit.  And yogurt, cottage cheese, and smoothies.  I eat a frozen fruit smoothie every morning upon waking.  I snack on fruit throughout the day.

  24. I craved pickles like crazy with my oldest son and ice with my youngest

  25. With my first son- Whoppers, and Italian Subs.. YUM

    With these two- Tacos, Nachos, anything Mexican is GREAT

  26. Cereal.  I never used to be a big cereal person, but now I can't get enough of it!

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