
What did you guys think of Clint Bowyers post race interview?

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He definitely wasn't very happy, I don't blame him! I think he was pretty mad at himself!




  1. He was probably whining again but I missed it. Surely he didn't say a monkey could drive that 88 car did he lol?

    I thought it was funny he lost control but I was secretly hoping he and Brad would wreck each other to add some more post race drama to the race.

    Congrats to Brad and his fans, though. He's gonna be great

  2. He was really upset with himself.  He is a better driver then he has been running lately.  He will bounce back.  

  3. I love it when a Nationwide driver beats the cup drivers. When they make it to cup they should not be allowed back into Nationwide IMHO.  

  4. I think he was pretty upset at himself for looking in the rear-view mirror a little too much.

  5. It's Bristol  

  6. He should be unhappy with himself. The mistake he made was his fault. It cost him the win. I'm sure it wouldn't be too awful hard to beat one's self up over making a mistake like that. Keselowski didn't make a mistake nor did his crew and that wins races.

  7. He was upset that he slipped up and Brad got past him, they both had good cars but Kudos to Clint..he praised Brad for the good job he was doing racing being consistent although in the beginning he thought Brad would be making mistakes as a Clint is one of the best and knows what he said was correct; he was not mad at Brad in any way, just himself for driving in a little too hard and slipped giving Brad the lead.

    I think it was an honest and very informative post race interview! Clint is a Class Act, and darn great racer

  8. He was just really mad because he made a rookie mistake to someone that is chasing him down in the championchip. I would be extremely mad to!

  9. Darn it, why do I always miss the good stuff?

  10. He was defiantly upset. i don't blame him either. if i was in his position, i would be pretty pissed of too.

  11. if anybody leaves the "i" out of his first name

    you stole that joke from me

  12. He was upset bigtime. It just goes to show you how much these guys care about how they drive and their desire to be successful. Congrats to Brad Keselowski and the #88 on a precious Bristol victory.  

  13. I didn't get to see it as I had to scoot out as soon as the race was over.  But I would be mad as heck too coming in second.  Though I was happy to see a nationwide driver get the win.  

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