
What did you guys think of Hillary's speech?

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I was just like "oh S**t." She is a powerful speaker! Clinton showed she could do that with grace, humor, and strength. My dad was just cheering like he does in Jerry Springer.

What did you think of her speech?




  1. Incredible! I am not even a fan of hers but that was an incredibly powerful speech. Homerun!

  2. She is a wonderful speaker!! I've never really supported but that was   a big part of history and it's cool to think that I've lived through it!!!

  3. It was a good speech and I am not one of her supporters.

  4. hillary who ??.... Clinton ?...... Look, it's common knowledge she's nothing but a criminal & belongs in a fed. prison cell somewhere...... She is now just an ugly blowhard idiot with some axe to grind..  

  5. Don't forget that these speeches are written by speech-writers. But she delivered it very well, and I'm sure it will be remembered as one of the best of this election.

  6. This was a Clinton speech that didn't require any parsing of words. In a fiery call to arms last night, Hillary Clinton tried to clear up the one thing that hadn't been clear before: Her level of enthusiasm for making Barack Obama president. In past speeches, she has offered sincere endorsements of Obama, but then gone on to extol the accomplishments of her own campaign. This time, perhaps sensing a greater urgency, she offered repeated appeals on Obama's behalf.

  7. I think she's a silver tongued criminal, just like just about all of the politicians in existence today.

    Regardless of which party is chosen to lead the next 4 years

    it will be more of the same old same old.

    Her speech was powerful enough, & well written..

    A great tonic for the ears of people who want to hear that things are going to be wonderful again someday.

  8. My dad does not watch Jerry Sringer. Therefor I am too smart to listen to Hillary.

  9. She's simply the best!

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