
What did you have fopr breakfast???

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What did you have fopr breakfast???




  1. 2 boiled eggs and a slice of toast.

  2. I had some roasted meat and umm.. jelly, yogurt peaches for breakfast.

  3. oatmeal cook with milk add raisins. one banana

  4. Ezekiel (sprouted grain) - cinnamon raisin with unsweetened organic soy milk

  5. papaya

  6. girlfriend

  7. i had a coisantt and raspberry jam and some freshly squeezed orange juice lovely lovely x*x and then just after a very strong coffeeeeeeeee x*x

  8. 3 hershey bars and a red bull

  9. I had a capri sun juice and pop tarts something quick and easy...

  10. Thank you for asking...I really appreciate it.. but i just woke up after a loooong night  and i am planning now to have the lunch..

    You are a very caring person , thank you! :)

  11. i had  mini weets things for cereal, which taste ok and umm i think some smarties. lol i know very healthy hehe

  12. Pancakes, toast, eggs over easy, and a glass of orange juice.

  13. I seldom eat breakfast but I have to have my Orange Juice in the morning

  14. Today it was a lightly cooked breakfast of spanish omelet, bull boar sausages, and washed down with a cup of Russian Caravan tea.

  15. Vanilla yogurt and 1/2 cheese sandwich

  16. Ayran (Turkish yoghurt drink) and a pita bread filled with hommous (chickpea dip), cherry tomatoes and rocket.

  17. mcdonald breakfast burritos

  18. Frosted Mini-Wheats and Skim milk.

  19. I had left over homemade cauliflower and broccili soup that I made yesterday, and very nice it was too!

  20. a "breakfast cookie" from the gas station and hot tea

  21. Toast and scrambled egg

  22. I had wheat pancakes with Syrup, Very yellow and fluffy soft scrambled eggs with a little Fiesta onion powder and sea salt added.  I had Morning Star veggie sausage links and some brown organic rice with Smart Balance buttery spread with a little Fiesta onion powder added to the rice as well.  I added some red onions to the veggie sausage as it cooked in the shallow pan of Smart Balance buttery spread as an oil substitute.  I drank Mott's Apple juice and distilled or spring water.  It is a simple and filling breakfast.  Oh and I sprinkled some parsley on everything. on the plate.

  23. toast and egg with chocolate milk

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