
What did you have to read when you were in 9th grade?

by Guest61808  |  earlier

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What were the names of the books you read in 9th grade literature? I'm about to go into high school, and they didn't give us a summer reading list, but I read books like "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, "Romeo and Juliet" by Shakespear, "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens, and almost all of Jane Austen's books. What else do you recommend?

By the way, I'm in an honors course, if that changes things at all?




  1. my english teacher was very a unique teacher he would come up so many creative projects for us to do so he let us read whatever we wanted i read blood and chocolate by annette curtis klause

  2. Catcher in the Rye, The Odyssey, Life of Pi, The Bible, Ellen Foster.

    That was what we read at my school.

  3. Try William Golding's "Lord of the Flies." We had to read that in ninth grade.

  4. I'm going into grade 9 and the books we had to buy for school are Romeo and Juliet, Animal Farm, and Fahrenheit 451

  5. I read: a lot of short stories, Romeo and Juliet, In the Time of Butterflies, the Odyssey, and we did a poetry unit.

  6. Well in my school, we've read "To Kill a Mockingbird" in grade 10, and "Romeo and Juliet" in grade 9. What my school read in grade 9 was a book called, "The Chrysalids" by John Wyndham  

  7. I read EVERYTHING I could get my hands on ! I spent MORE time at the Library- than I did at Home... and like YOU- I concentrated on the Classics. Since I was a huge fan of Shakespeare & Dickens, I read ALL of their works (Dickens especially- wrote a LOT). So if You can keep on concentrating on the Authors that Interest You- you should have PLENTY to read & enjoy for a LONG Time !  :)  

  8. We read "Romeo and Juliet" and a bunch of short stories that I can't remember. Freshman year was mostly a grammar year for my class, not much reading.

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