
What did you in college because you were poor and couldnt afford better food?

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My roommate and I used to eat butter & sugar mixed together. We called it "poor mans cookie". Gross eh.




  1. Maddogs and Beast. Also cups of ranch

  2. I did the butter and sugar thing too, believe it or not! Lots of Ramen and eggs. Lots of leftover pizza for breakfast.

  3. Ramen Noodles they are like 6 for a 1.00 and I ate the 3 times a day. When I had a little extra money I would get creative with them and add cheese, hot-dog or ham.

  4. Macaroni and Cheese

    Tuna Fish sandwiches

    Ramen Noodles


    99 cent bag of chips or cookies

  5. Ramon noodles ugh!!! And, a couple of our guy friends went to work at a pizza place and brought home free pizza at night.  At first it was great, but after about 6 months of pizza every night, it got really old.

  6. If I were really hungry I would buy myself a .99 bag of chips that should hold me for the rest of the day.  

  7. Hamburger Helper (sometimes without the hamburger).

    Pop Tarts.

    Instant Coffee.

    Ramen Noodles.


    Generic Soda.

    Hi-C Juice Drink.

    Peanut Butter.

    Frozen Pizza.

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