
What did you learn from the book Animal Farm?

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Have any of you read the book, Animal Farm, by George Orwell? Did you like it? A lot of people say it has good morals and a good theme. What did YOU learn from the book? Thanks =)




  1. Lots of things:

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely for one.

    To actually do my own homework for another :-)

  2. this sounds like someone didn't do their homework.  

  3. I read Animal Farm last year for an assignment in LA. I, personally, liked the book very much. i thought that George Orwell was very creative in the way he translated the time when Stalin went into power and was in power. Because reading the book was for school i ended up learning a lot about the history of the author and the time period when the book was set. I thought that the history was fascinating but that's just me. You're welcome :)

  4. I learned how much I love being a Capitalist.  Honestly.  Individualism is probably the best thing there is.

  5. about the capitalist society and russian revolution. each character represented someone in the russian revolution. i personally hated that book with a burning passion but thats because i probably had the best class ever for language arts because we ran around shooting rubber bands at each other but thats just me. oh and a moral, absolute power corrupts absolutley.

  6. All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others

  7. I LOVE Animal Farm (and 1984 by Orwell).

    You can learn alot from that book.

    If you "go deep", it kind of tells about the Russian Revolution!

    But it is a great book about the "human nature" of society and revolution.  I think that it can tell you alot about our current society.  Just think of the similarities between "the leaders" of the farm and the animals that actually work the farm.  Also remember the rules on the barn that get changed....."All animals are equal" gets changed to "All animals are equal.....but some animals are more equal than others".

    It is truly a wonderful book and a fast read.  Say hello to Boxer and Benjamin for me.

  8. I learned that society is always adjusting itself. Not every situation is perfect nor can one expect perfection. However, I also learned that people have morals by which they hold themselves. Any leader who pushes his morals upon a group does not deserve power. It taught me to appreciate who I am, what I believe, and how I think.

  9. Well, seeing as this is homework, I can only start you off.

    The main themes of Animal Farm revolve around the corruption of power with specific references to Communist Russia.  It is not attacking Communism, only Russian Communism (Orwell was in fact Socialist himself).  It warns of the dangers of placing false hope in people, and allowing them to take control of too much power.  I learnt that power will always go to people's heads, which is why a varied democracy is the best form of government.  I also learnt that it is important to be wary of people with claims to being to make everything better, as often they can just be taking advantage of your hope, and you end off worse than you started.

    Good luck =)


  10. I hated it. This is a pointless book. About animals that rebel against their own owner. The moral is that you should never do something without a good idea of what will happen in the future.

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