
What did you like about Tim Russert?

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I liked the thought he didn't play favorites like anyone else I mean I thought he was the only one at CNN that was truthful besides Glenn.

R.I.P Tim Russert




  1. I agree.  I could trust Tim Russert like I can't trust anyone else in the news business.  He was a calm, assertive man who was always a gentleman, my heart is broken.

  2. Nothing, I don't like any Politicians. They are all sneaky and greedy

    Bring the thumbs down.

  3. he was a lieing shill for REPUBLICAN NBC and THE REPUBLICAN NEWS MEDIA

  4. A very calm intelligent man who had a very relaxed but respectful format to his show, unlike the graphics-heavy screamfests of a lot of these political shows.

  5. He was just a all american great journalist . He kept it real thats 4 sure

  6. I always liked watching Tim Russert's interviews because he would actually take the things that candidates said (direct quotes), and make them defend them.

    This process weeded out the politicians who were being phony (unfortunately, this turned out to be most), and highlighted the ones who were genuine.  The phonies would always squirm around a little and try to manufacture some answer, and Russert never failed to call them on it.

    If I really wanted to know how a candidate defended his position, I would watch Meet the Press.  He brought out the best, and exposed the worst in every interview subject.  I think that is the best compliment I can give someone who dedicated his life to getting the truth out of people who are traditionally reluctant to give it.

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