
What did you not expect to ever happen 10 years ago?

by  |  earlier

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Mine is this...I never expected that I would be cleaning my vacuum cleaner and taking it's photo, showing it's best side and in a good light!! for e-bay!!




  1. That Prince Harry would turn out to be so hot!

    That I can make international calls free from my computer.

    That I HAVE a computer.

    That I know how to turn it on.

  2. That i would be in a loving relationship with the guy i used to sit next to at secondary school :)

  3. Gas prices to be what they are!

  4. That I'll be in college now, actually trying to make something of myself.

  5. 10 years ago I never would have thought that I would find the lure of an internet site so powerful that I would be sitting here learning about the cleanliness of someone else's vacuum cleaner!!

    (Instead of getting on with the breakfast pots)

  6. I'd never have thought people would have stopped talking about AIDS or starving people in Africa and started banging on about pollution and global warming. Or was that 20 years ago. (just saying, its not a point of view, all good causes)

  7. Tupac to be shot.

  8. that i would have got divorced and remarried, started working and stopped, lost 2 stepkids and gained 3. how on earth can you predict stuff like that!!! its the thought of the next ten thats making me nervous now.....;-)

  9. that i'd still be in laredo ten years later

  10. i never thought gas would be almost $4, i never thought a gallon of milk would be over $4. i never thought ppl would be glued to their cell phones to the point of causing accidents on the roads. i also wouldnt have guessed we would be stuck in a war with no end in sight or that a woman and a black man would have a serious chance at becoming president. i never would have expected that the terminator would be govenor of california, or that spoiled brats like paris and britney would invade our lives with all their nonsense. i suppose i could go on and on, but you get the point.

  11. i was told i could not have anymore children but as i had a little boy i was happy and now i have a 11mth old little cutey at this moment in time is beating her big brother up lol

  12. spending so much time on a computer

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