
What did you think about Dwads?

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A further subdivision of the decanates with their secondary sign influences as expounded in the first table above is into 2½º portions called Dwa-da-Shamsas or Dwads. The tertiary sign influence of the first dwad in each decan is accorded as for the secondary influence of the decan; then each subsequent dwad takes on a tertiary coloration of the following sign in the zodiac.

I calculated my horoscope chart from and it gives all information about your planets .... hold your mouse over the planet... or sensitive point (AC/DC etc.).... it will open a window with lots of info.... including, the decans and dwads...

if share your knowledge i would be glad. i catch lot of things from the dwads and they are very meaningful.




  1. I LOVE the dwads and use them all the time.

    They give an added dimension to astrology that is needed, and helps to explain a lot of behaviors that otherwise remain "mysterious". :-)

  2. dwadashamsha means 1/12 division of the Rashi

    the Rashi  will have 30 degrees divide by twelve you get two degree and thirty minute each

    this will start from first Rashi  of where you want to start

    suppose you want to see any planet in dwadashamsha you take that

    planet positions in degree minute and secondse


    your moon is in gemini 17 degree 14 minute

    when you divide by two and half

    you will come to 7th portions from that part

    that means you will be in sagittarius in dwadashamsha

    this is technical explanation

    meaning of division twelve is to see the happy and parents lifestyle and longivity

    when good planetary combinations is seen in signs

    persong is to enjoy good relationship with parents and parents will be long lived

    astrology is the store house of many mistry

    in this way this will reveals lot of informations

    that is the use and meaning of dwad

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