
What did you think about Michelle's comment after Dan put her up (BB10)?

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I know she was surprised, and she said "why am I getting punished for someone else's deal" She's got a point she had nothing to do with it, Ollie is the one that included her! But at the same time I think if they don't get her out that she will win! What are your opinions?




  1. I get that she was surprised but it's not like she's the first to get back doored and betrayed. It might not even have anything to do with the deal. She did good in physical competitions and that might be the reason why she was put up.

  2. I don't think it had anything to do with the deal. I think Dan (and his alliance) sees Michelle as the biggest threat and wanted to get her out.  Dan just brought up the deal so that Michelle would be mad at Ollie.  He's just trying to stir things up, so that people won't focus on him (Dan).

  3. i thought it was hilarious. lol I'm glad she's on the block. she drives me nuts.

  4. I am not quite sure what she exactly meant by that.  Personally I would rather have seen Ollie up than her, but Dan is at least keeping his word to Ollie on that subject.

  5. Dan is just playing games with everyone.  I felt sorry for Michelle, if anyone should have gone up it should have been Ollie for being stupid enough to believe he would go though with that deal.  I hope Michelle pulls through to get to the end, but I think Renny will win.

  6. Michelle was the target from the beginning. Ollie got played, Michelle got played, Keesha and Renny got played too, by having to say at the meeting who they would nominate. Dan is trying to cause problems with everyone to take the heat off of himself.

    Dan found out who everyone's closest ally was with his questions. Ollie wanted Michelle protected, and she is the biggest threat in the O/J/M alliance. Target for Dan.

    and her comment there was only the beginning of her rampage about Dan after the meeting. the woman is vile and delusional

    and Ollie will go down as the dumbest BB player ever, if only for his one comment to Dan in the HOH room after the Veto meeting -->"you like to play games you could have stayed home and played Monopoly"

    mmmm, earth to Ollie ---> BB Is A Game!!

  7. I will be sooooo glad to see her go today.

    Like Memphis said...she is a B*****.

    She has bullied alot of the players.

    They didn't want to upset her or she may explode so they

    allowed her to escape this far.

    She needs to go and I am for one glad that Dan had the

    gumption to do it.

    I didn't like her after the whole 'doing it for Jesse' mess.

    Did she come into the game for Jesse?

    Then she flipped out because Libra picked a Hawaiian vacation

    over a leotard--who wouldn't have?????

    And when she won HOH, she walked around the

    place like she was queen of the joint.

    This week she has been humble as pie.

    Just because she has been fake nice all week doesn't mean people

    didn't forget about the things she had done previously.

    I personally thought Dan should have put up Ollie.

    But I am glad he put her up.  She needs to go right into the

    Jury house with Libra and April and the cameras need to be

    in the Jury house 24/7.  Now that will be drama...


  8. LMAO. I was so happy. She blows up to fast. Just like she did with here comments about Libra being a bad mother. I was glad did what he did. Lit a fire under them. He,He,He

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