
What did you think about day one of the Democratic Convention?

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I thought Michelle did a wonderful job and so did Teddy!




  1. You sound pretty level-headed.

    You should really consider joining the Democratic Party.

  2. it was a staged pep rally totally predictable and boring. Michelle tried to make it sound like she loves "America now" She is full of baloney.

  3. I actually enjoyed it, too. I really enjoyed Michelle Obama's speech, and that's saying something, since I usually can't sit through entire political speeches, no matter who's giving them.

  4. Same stuff, different day.  Left is left.

  5. I agree. I think Michelle did a fantastic job. She was very well put together, spoke clearly, and spoke intelligently (a big difference from who is in office now in my opinon) I thought she did a great job!

  6. Seeing the Icon of the Senate Ted Kennedy give that great speech was absolutely inspiring! He really looked great. Michelle's speech was awesome. She reminded us that when we really work to make this the country what it could be that we truly love America. Those two children are sweethearts. What a good looking, smart and articulate family! It's going to be great having them in the White House.

  7. I'm starting to get a "Chicago" feeling....

  8. both the conventions are a waste of time.

    pretty much everyone knows who they are gonna vote for my now so i don't know what good a convention does except a waste of time and money and energy.

  9. I loved it.  It gave me chills and I was close to tears, just seeing the optimism in the audience's faces.  We need this change.  I thought Michelle was very poised, proud, and did a wonderful job....of course it was rehearsed, would you expect a speech like this NOT to be?  

  10. I thought Ted did a good job.. I'm a Republican, but I'm a cancer patient and I thought it was something special for him to come out and he looked really good.  Michelle was blah to say the least.. Less than Stellar.

  11. I'm not much for parties or partisanship but I liked Michelle Obama's speech and Ted Kennedy was as passionate as it gets. I think it appealed to individuals who don't already know about the Obama family. If people choose not to listen to what the Obama Family and supporters have to say then they are only doing themselves a great historical disservice. I will never pretend to understand Republican motivation for wanting to win so badly and I will never pretend that opposition to all great things doesn't exist. Opposition is what drives a natural born leader.


    Obama 08*

  12. i didn't see it, but it looks like michelle obama made quite an impression. all the press i've seen has been good.

  13. A big waste of time, energy, and money!

  14. AHHHHHH... I live right outside of Denver.the next city over ..ITS ABSOLUTLY CRAZY on the roads and everything is But I watched a bit when I had some down time....and it seemed pretty awesome. The protesters are out of hand, and there are cops and secret service ppl all over.

    Its kinda scary to go to town and see all this hoopla going on. It is like a popularity contest, with all the celebs and parties right now. I dont remember all this sort of stuff going on in the past..

    I guess you can call me a Independent. Politics most of the time upsets me, cus I know alot of it is BS. .....

  15. I agree, they both impressed me very much!  But, then again, what else would you expect from the two.  I'm not much for television lately but I'm glad I had it on last night and got to see bits and pieces.    

  16. Giving an emotional speech has not a d**n thing to do when it gets right down to the actual running of the greatest country on earth. I found the speeches and general atmosphere nothing more than a bunch of democrat smoke and mirrors!

  17. I am a democrat & I feel like I went to a great party. I feel like I spent the evening with people who really care about others. It inspired me to move forward & do my best in life. It gave me hope. I don't have health insurance. My husband does handyman work & feel off a roof a few years ago. So we avoid working as much as we can. If we can get health insurance which we can't now because of a pre-existing condition, we will work more. If we work more we pay more taxes. So they make sense. I have been saying "I love Joe Biden" now I am saying "I love Michele Obama". I am a proud democrat, liberal. Whatever you want to call me & last night just helped me be around what I love. I am so glad people like you watched the convention. So many people have judgments about liberals but won't even get to know the truth...I think it might take a different tone tonight but some are saying Michele could run for office.

  18. Bull ****!!  I really don't care how good of a husband and father Obama might be or what he does in his home, all i care about is will be able to run the country.  A job is not the same as when your home with your family in your own home and its not something one should compare to their personal life. Running the country is a WHOLE different story.

    Then the whole bull **** about him using his children in the middle of the convention.."i love you daddy.."

    Anyone who is using their children to gain the votes of the american people is WEAK!!!

    I'm sorry, but he needs to win this all on his own.

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