
What did you think of BB9UK stuart jumping into the crowd?

by  |  earlier

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I LOL'D for about 5 minutes, then felt bad for him




  1. I thought 'what a f*cking goon'. I mean as if you'd do that!!!!!! LOL was p**s funny though, I was still lol'ing the next day!

  2. What a fool. And would it have been so funny if he had crushed or injured someone? I think not.

  3. I thought it was funny..! iI would have laughed harder if he cracked his head. Well maybe not because that would have just been mean, but what would Davina do with all that air time?!=]

  4. I laughed for a few seconds cos the bouncers were panicking

  5. You laughed for 5 mins! wow you must have a huge sense of humour... i laughed for about 10 seconds

  6. Haha, extremely funny that he didn't get caught but i mean what do you expect if you jump into a crowd of screaming girls.

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