
What did you think of Ben Cousins return to football?

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May i first add yay 2 pages in aussie rules catergory :)

I really think the eagels needed cousins dont you? .




  1. omg, dont get me started...

    The way everyone was standing up and applauding him was disgraceful.  What a pathetic example he is to all the kids out there.  'Oh yay, you are addicted to Ice, went partying till 3am even after your so called rehab...oh yes let us applaud you'!

    He is a druggie and doesnt not deserve all the cheering & applause until he can PROVE himself first.  Playing one measly game of footy does not make him redeem himself in my opinion.

    How about going to schools and educating the kids on drug abuse and donating some of his ridiculous large salary to good causes for troubled kids...?

  2. He certainly injected something into the side.

  3. Ben Cousins story is bullshit theres no way you can get over a drug addiction in 3 months sorry it doesn't happen. And the fact he was at clubs to 3 in the morning doesn't sit well because there would be drugs in the clubs. He should be banned in my opinion.

  4. he should be in jail

    other players get 2yrs ban he has been in trouble before the only thing sadder than his drug addiction is the 40000 fools who gave this criminal a standing ovation

  5. Is it fair to say,maybe  a "fortunate" return.   I could well be wrong, but I just thought many Sydney players were a lttle "Cousin's Shy"and gave more space than he would normally receive or deserve!     I have noticed a similarity with Essendon's Ramanaskas returning from serious illness!   Opposition players are VERY aware of the media hype, and to be the first Sydney player, to have to man Cousins in many ways would have been daunting!    Wait until his 3rd game in, and if he is still displaying that form ...he will be fair game ...and the opposition will be attempting to take him out .   By that I dont mean Like Lloyd on Collingwoods Irish recruit, Clarke, which was an utter disgrace!     I mean within the bounds of   AFL's awry rules !

  6. I was there- a Sydney supporter in a WCE crowd (as usual)!- don't believe the hype; lots of Eagles supporters kept their seats when he came out and definitely waited to see him prove himself, which he did. I think they had missed the other players who returned last night too and they had a great advantage with Sydney down Hall and Kennelly. It sounds like sour grapes but to be honest their 2 goal margin was the result of two easy frees in front of goal. The holding the ball rule only applied to Sydney. I would wait and see before believing they are back to full strength- accuracy is obviously a problem.

  7. yeah he played well

  8. ben cousins carved up, would have to almost be the best someback to footy in history. shows how strong he is mentally to kick a habbit and be back in footy in afew short months. top quality player and will be for the next few years

    oh and mr perfect, your a wanker..

  9. well cousins did play a ripper but hes set a bad example to all the kids that looked up to him

  10. oh seriously all these people bagging we all know him he a bad person, no he's he vunerable to influence...clearly he is...was he surrounded by yes called friends...yes he was...would another club have suspended  him like west coast did if he hadn't even been caught doing anything they wouldn't...i.e. Pies this and last year as examples...and others...

    Regarding the drugs and the comeback...he was probably rushed back, and yes he probably got about 5-10 extras from team mates looking for him for the crowd involvement etc...also I agree and as an eagles supporter his possessions were not as clean as he used to be...but his effort and tackling was superb...I hate the term spiritual captain, but he is...even running out they ran out together with Juddy...same as the podium on the winning Grand Final stage last season...

    Regarding the drugs - unqualified to speak as are many I won't regarding Ben...although regarding how the league handles these sort of's like a back yard league...The AFL should seriously look at how they consider themselves professional but clearly how unprofessional they are...according to friends in WA who have seen him out at clubs from years ago, he always had "the" problem...where are the league policies to help players...they aren't super people, they are an accurate representation of the community, including all it's failings.

    The AFL needs to look at how the governing body of Football (soccer) handles itself regarding such matters and rules changes. Proper advice from experts and proper review.

    If Ben was a soccer player the club would have never been put in the position they were put into (i.e. suspending him for missing training twice over 6 or so months). The governing body would have stepped in and suspended him until he became clean, and would certainly have never changed a rule interpretation(i.e.,hands in th back) over the course of one off season...but that's another matter. What were the league waiting for, 2 strikes or three, why not make it 7 like the NBA finals! What happened if he never rocked up late to training and breached no Eagles protocols?! Would he have continued on his merry way until he finished himself off one day?! Then how would the AFL brand look? Also I heard about Chad Fletcher being clinically dead and revived in the States off season from friends 3 weeks before it broke in the media & nearly fell off my chair when the media confirmed it!!!

    If the whole point is to clean up their (AFL) image then why wouldn't you suspend him too (yes I'm an Eagles supporter), so what if it's in the off season. They change every other rule.

    My point is Ben is one person, and deserves a second chance, whereas the AFL should be held responsible for a lot more. I hope people see this as a fair response from an eagles supporter.

  11. I reckon he played awesome. The team probably gave him a few easy possessions to get the crowd going coz they went wild when he first got the ball.Anyway I think it is better with him and now the eagles have a better chance with their famous midfield and Ash Hansen. The eagles needed his leadership, not saying Judd isn't a leader, but he sets an example on the field fr all players coz he works so hard.

    By the way you can get over an addiction in 3 months and he's had like 4 months. He went to the most expensive drug rehab place. Good luck to him who cares about the past. And also he shouldn't go to jail, because it is not illegal to have drugs in your system, it is only illegal to have possession of it.

    I just wanted to add that he is not the only addict in the world.  Just because he is famous it is no reason to blame him for drugs in schools and all that. It has been around way longer. People say that he is setting a bad example. Who are you people to judge? He's just a talented person who got caught up in the wrong stuff. He was brought to stardom at a young age and had all the pressures and attention of being a star. I'm not gonna blame . Just because someone is an addict we shouldn't toss them out to the street or say they derserve nothing. Everyone deserves a second chance. I admire cousins strength to be able to get over this addiction.

    Everyone is always saying he is setting a bad example for kids but whatever. Im a kid and im not an addict. we learn about this stuff in school. Ben cousins being addicted is no different to any other person. It is something we cant control. Drugs are all in the clubs. All he has done to kids is raise awareness (in a bad way though) But it shows that drugs can get anyone, so why should one man be blamed for the community mistakes just coz hes famous?

  12. Not much, he's an arrogant git who loves the attention.

  13. Ben Cousins is a bad role model to children like me. I am a girl but am a die hard swans fan and have been going to swans games since i was three. Ben Cousins didnt deserve the wrap he got. And as i was watching the game i noticed two things- 1. Every time the broadcast came back from an ad break, there was a video of Ben Cousins playing which I thought was completley unfair to both the Swans and Eagles(which i dont often say). 2. When Ben Cousins came on the field for the first time, the commentators were giving him the biggest wrap and stated that the Eagles fans were on their feet whcih was wrong because the fans behind him wernt even on their feet. I think give him another 2 weeks and h**l be back in rehab!!!

  14. I understand he hasn't had to pee in the cup yet this weekend. It is good he is back, if you are a Weagles supporter. But, he had better pass a drug test every day or week so he don't end up in jail.

  15. I think he and the Eagles would both be happy, and other clubs would be a lil worried. A great return no doubt about it.

  16. ben cousins is a star, perfect comeback, i think the eagles r still good without him but with him their rly good and if him kerr and judd r all in form i reckon west coast r almost unbeatable

  17. This is going to be lengthy but I've had a fair bit of thought about it.. so I'll break my answer up if you don't mind..

    As a coach, It was a the sort of spectacle the team required after big losses and a big game against an old arch rival looming.. The spiritual leader returns and makes a valuable contribution.

    As a Father, yes its important to set a good example for our children, but doesn't the fact that he's trying to make up for past mistakes ALSO a send good message for our kids... You make mistakes kids... we all do... learn from it. Those who don't learn from their mistakes are destined to repeat them.

    As a spectator, I'm not an eagles fan, nor do I condone drug taking of any kind. But, I think it's terriffic that he's cleaned himself up, and is rehabilitated, back and playing footy, however, t will never be the Same for Cuz..

    Its like anything where "Rehabilitation" is required.. take a convict for example.. he does his time, his penance, cleans himself up... maybe finds Jesus.. but when he's released onto the world again, he's still carries the stigma or being a convict..

    Its something he will never shake... and you could see it.

    And speaking as a footballer, the Eagles seem to have rushed him back in.. despite his possession count (which was inordinately high for a comeback game) his disposal lacked AFL quality. He was always in the right place at the right time, which is why his possession count was high, but that's reading play, which is a mental skill, not a physical skill... he physically was not up to it, his kicks were too high and indirect.. his handballs missed targets, he didn't have the finish of an AFL player of his caliber.

    I've tried to condense it for readability's sake, (I know a lot of people have just finished reading the new Harry Potter and REALLY don't want to read ANOTHER book!) but I hope you see where I am coming from.

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