
What did you think of Boris Johnson at the closing ceremony of the Olympics 2008?

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What did you think of Boris Johnson at the closing ceremony of the Olympics 2008?




  1. Drunkard. His hair is chaotic. Sleepy. Hilarious. Clown.

  2. it wasnt really that exciting, all he did was wave the olympic flag around a bit and that was it....  

  3. It looked very bad. It didn't look like he knew what this is all about, and what he was supposed to do. Nobody walked him through beforehand?

  4. He was a total clown. Hands in pockets, or waving around, and he stood like a total penguin for god's sake, with a wrinkled suit and an open jacket... He was obviously not briefed beforehand on what was going to happen in there, but it became very clear that he didn't care either, and what's worse he doesn't seem to have the culture or the background to even improvise in a context like that! What really strikes me is that this person is actually a politician, elected by the people (but definitely not me...)! Very embarrassing, for all... Maybe he's autistic or something. That would explain it and take the embarrassment away! :-S

  5. he looks like that guy out of little britain and i htought it was :L

  6. i found myself feeling very embarrassed by the way he was talking. It really made us British, look stereotypical in the way people from other countries see us. WIFF WAFF MY ****!!!!!!  

  7. He was a complete disgrace - scruffy, undignified, he looked as if he'd just got out of bed. There were billions watching worldwide, what sort of image do they have of Britain when they see this clown? I was ashamed to to be British.

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