
What did you think of Breaking Dawn?

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I've just finished Breaking Dawn (I know it's taken me ages to read it!) and i'm really stuck! I don't know if I liked it or hated it! I liked the part with Jacobs POV (Point Of View) but I really didn't like the bit with Bella and Edward on Esme Island! When she got all bruised! And the idea of them having a child make me feel kinda sick! It really annoyed me with Renesmee weather she should live or not! And them when Bella was giving birth was gross!

It didn't feel like I was reading a Twilight book because she was never in school anCharliele wasn'barleyly in it! The romance between Edward and Bella was a little different too.

What did you think of the book?

Full description please!




  1. i thought it was a very very good book but yea, it was kind a gross too huh? but... I thought it was a very very great book and i cant wait for midnight sun and nessies book.(i dont like nessies real name though. and i thought rosalie was such a ___ and i felt pretty bad 4 leah. ok ok. im going to end up posting the WHOLE book... well, i really really liked the book so, just say u like it because its not fair 2 read poor bellas LAST book and NOT enjoy it.

  2. well um same i LOVED jakes pov but i hated alot of parts to wen jake imprinted on her cough cough pediophile cough cough i lik jake but seriouly ther wer others lik leah and tht lizzie gurl and another part i hated was wen they wer lik having s*x lik all the d**n time in the book and wen she was giving birth ew.

  3. I loved it! I wasn't expecting Bella to get pregnant or for Jacob to get imprinted with Renesmee so it actually made it exciting! I admit that Bella's giving birth was quite grotesque but it also was very suspenseful. Stephenie Meyer did a wonderful job on these series and I can't wait to read Midnight Sun and the other books as well!



  4. I only started on Twilight a week ago, so I did not need to wait but was able to read the whole series in one week. With this easy comparison I definitiely enjoyed Twilight the most of all the books.

    I did think Breaking Dawn was allright though, although it was different, and it did have "a few" flaws and plotholes. But I have seen all the discussions about it beforehand, and saw that many people hated it, and got the whole hype around the haters - and although I avoided actual plot spoilers, I think I would have enjoyed the book a lot more if I hadn't expected it to be bad from that. But it did feel as is Stephenie just finished it way too quickly, without thinking it through properly. There should have been more Bella and Edward, less Jacob - and what was the point of building up Leah's character when it just disappeared then?

  5. I think that the only good part of the book was the wedding. I loved how the ceremony was performed and the reception. I loved how Jacob just showed up out of nowhere. I think that was my favorite part. I agree with you about the part on Esme island. It was really sick and gross. I think that Stephenie Meyer went against her own ideas when she made them have a baby. That part was unrealistic(well more so than it should be) and just so random. The prospect of having Bella die was completely out of the blue and i think that that was my least favorite part of the book. I also really liked the part with jacob's point of view, although it did drag on like New Moon. I hated when Bella was giving birth too. It was wayyyyy too detailed and out of this world(???). I did like how Meyer described Bella's pain of transforming into a Vampire However, I think that it was too fast. She summed up two days much too quickly. I really liked how she describes Bella's experience with being a Vampire. I really didn't like Renesmee though. She annoyed me a lot with everyone cooing over her. Plus, she's would be impossible to have a half vampire....i didn't like that part of the book very much. The ending was decent, with who she ends up with. I think my least favorite part of the book was how Jacbos IMPRINTS ON RENESMEE!!!!! That's sick and gross.

    You were right how it's not a Twilight book. Angela and Mike and Eric and Lauren were barely in it. Charlie was barely mentioned expect for when he visits them and discovers "Beautiful Bella". Billly wasn't in it except the wedding, and Jacob was in it too much. There was barely any school in it and there was no love and passion between Bella and Edward, only Edward being overprotective. It seemed like Edward hated Renesmeee.

    I think that all together I have to say that the book was a major NEGATIVE. I wasn't too pleased with the ending, but it was ok. I'm glad the next book is another version of Twilight...

  6. Yeah totally, it had a really different feel to it than the others did.Idk i just think she grew up too fast, I liked the whole high school experience along with it.It really did feel like a totally different series,i was dissapointed!

  7. I loved Jacob's point of view

    he was funny

    I loved it when Jacob and Rosalie argued


    and emette "about time someone scores around here"

    hes funny!

    and Bella becomes a vampire yay for her!

  8. Yes, it got creepy at times, and sometimes the characters didn't act like themselves, and it seemed a bit rushed, and there was no fight with the Volturi, and human-vampire children shouldn't have been possible, AND Renesmee is a strange name... but I still really liked this book because it's the "happily ever after" that everyone deserves  (except for Leah. I wonder what will happen to her...). Bella and Edward can be together forever, Jacob imprinted (hallelujah!), and the Volturi didn't kill anyone. Well, anyone important anyway.  

  9. I really liked it! I don't feel like giving a full description (sorry), but I loved Jake's POV and this book was so good! :)  

  10. Personally, I loved Breaking Dawn. It is amazing how Stephenie pieced everything together to make this book. All I can say is, this book took me off-guard. WAY off-guard.

    I couldn't believe at first that Bella got pregnant. She was once this clumsy, awkward girl who moved to Forks, WA. Now she's this beautiful, graceful, powerful mother and wife.

    I used to really hate Jacob for interfering with Bella and Edward, but after reading Breaking Dawn, I got to like him. He redeemed himself in my eyes. He kept me entertained with his feud with Rosalie, his jokes and his thoughts. I could really relate with him. He helped in motivating me to keep flipping the pages. I was dying on the floor from laughter. =) I got used to the fact that he imprinted on his former love's first child. I am just glad that he moved on, and he isn't suffering anymore.

    Some parts I did find predictable, like Alice and Jasper leaving. I always knew they would come back. There can never be a happy ending if they aren't there. Sure, I'll admit Bella was a little out of character, but it's all part of being a mother. I did want more Bella and Edward mushy scenes, though. But what I read were enough to make me shudder, too.

    I love Emmett, Edward, Alice and Jasper above all. They rock, 'nuff said.

    Overall, this book kept me going. I'm glad that everyone's at peace. And let's cut Bella some slack, shall we? This is her point of view, so let's give her a chance to shine. She's always been the constant danger-magnet, clumsy and predictable. In the Volturi scene, she was the one who protected her loved ones from the Volturi. That was a total one-off. So let's give her the spotlight for once. It's always been about Edward or Jacob.


  11. i hate the whole series.

    i dont like fad books.

    you know.. those books everyone is reading

    just because everyone else is reading it.

    plus, she stole almost everything from another author.

    try reading a good book.

    not a fad book.

  12. I LOVED it! Bella wasn't in school because she graduated. Bella and Edward's romance changed because they started getting physical.

    It's my favorite of the series. I loved all the twists and turns. I loved the description of how Bella sees the world now that she's a vampire. I love how her love for Edward just intensified. I love Nessie! She's so awesome.


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