
What did you think of Clinton's speech and Biden's speech?

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I thought both were very good Clinton being the better of course. Yet both applied to two very distinct groups. Bill's was aimed at the 18 million to remind them what Obama supports and what McCain supports.

Then Biden's whose wasn't delivered as clean as Bill's yet did exactly what he needed to do as a VP nominee. He played the role of support and called into question not only John McCain's ability to lead but his judgment which was fantastic I thought. Tonight the democrats bore their fangs and they hit big tonight.




  1. Bill Clinton is just great! If he could run, he would win landslide again! People STILL remember the 90's good times, the balanced budget and the coming of the technology and the internet, all thanks to Bill Clinton and his administration.The great Bill Clinton just "blessed" Obama and that's exactly what Obama needed BADLY to get a huge push for November.

  2. Hillary hit it out of the ballpark.  Bill hit it past the freeway by putting his full support behind Obama and telling the world that Obama is ready to be president and ready for the job of commander and chief!  Biden did a fantastic job laying into McCain and his miserable Bush policies.  Did you see John Kerry's speech, that was a really amazing speech as well.  If not, find it on the web, I'm sure it might be on or somewhere.  It's worth watching and there are some humorous phrases as well.  Great night for the Dems though.

  3. Whenever Slick Willy appears I change the channel

  4. I especially liked it when Bill offered to train all of Obama's interns for him.  

  5. I'm googling Biden's speech to make sure he didn't plagiarize

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