
What did you think of (HAWKS) Mark Williams choke hold?

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after all port are chokers





  1. i didn't think anything of it reallyy but the llok on his face while doing it was funny on the back page of the herald sun

  2. i am a hawks supporter and i laughed but it wasnt the right thing to do

    BTW rutten is an awful player he is one of the most overated players in the AFL. the whole crows team is awful, burton is a complete showoff and goodwin is going out with riccutio

  3. Yes, they may be chokers, but what Williams did was not acceptable. It's a credit to Clarkson though,  how he handled the press conference after the game. Also a great line from Port's Williams in his post match press conference. "It's the first time he touched the ball all day, so I don't quite know what he was getting at"

  4. As a Hawk supporter Williams did the wrong thing but it comes as a result of constraining a normally effusive footballer.

    Stop sanitizing the game, bring back the shotgun and then no one's nose would be out of joint!


  5. Ha-Halarious!!

    Bit cocky tho and yeah, yeah, no room for that behaviour but it was wat we were all thinking, so good on him!!

    His coach was there to clean up his mess..

    Just a bit of fun and games..

  6. There is no place in our game for rubbish like that

    cudos to clarkson for his appology .now i think williams should be made to make a public appology

  7. I thought it was stupid.

    But yeah...

    port choke a lot.

  8. funny

    im still laughing

  9. Its ok i think, Whats wrong with a little bit of fuel for the fires.

  10. yeah i guess it was funny (coming from a Crows fan's view) but then again, who lost 2 grand finals in a row against brisbane? now THAT is what i call choking :P

    haha u know rutten is better than any of the magpie defenders. and to think, rutten used to play as a fullforward in west adelaide. gawd i hate collingwood, so many bloody ferrals aye lol victoria must be a SHOCKER of a place to live with those fans running around

  11. I was at the game yesterday and it was entertaining...Mark Williams made the choke hold famous at the Grand Final a couple of years back and obviously people still relate to it.  I don't see it as offensive.  We all remember Kevin Sheedy spining a jacket over his head all those years ago. Fans still remember it and it has been repeated by them at games years later when their teams beat the Bombers. Its what makes our game so exciting

  12. Yeah, I thought it was great...cant stand Port Adelaide or their coach. Accch...errrrch....hack....hahahahaha!

  13. All Williams (haw) has done is give port ammo next time they play, Williams(port) will use this to get his players fired up, no club likes to be called chokers, the only thing about Williams(H) is that he is a show pony, that c**p he used to do with the shot gun another example of his c**p.

    I'd be p'ed off too if i was Clarkson. if it gives Port 1% of an edge it's 1% too much in a match between too good sides.

  14. he created the controversies for the week that's for sure,probably un-sportsman like behaviour and more at home on an American basketball court than a footy field,good on clarkson for laying the law down at the press conference because all that sort of stuff does is give opposition teams ammo for next time they play.

  15. i thought it waz funny yea he did wrong but what was the diff between him and coach doing it and i think if the coach wasnt penalized why should the player

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