
What did you think of Jesse Ventura's point of view on CNN last night?

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Where DO YOU get your sources from Tough Guy?

Educate yourself - I have a houseful...of gifted kids that is.




  1. I don't watch CNN so fill us in.

  2. That Jesse is MY KIND OF GUY! LOL

  3. I've always been a J.V. you said he speaks his mind and doesn't really care who he miffs off!  So...whatcha gonna do, brother?!

  4. I heard him on Howard Stern a few weeks back, and he's great.

    I don't agree with him on everything, but he actually speaks his mind.   He's a little crazy, very raw and just an interesting person.

  5. I agree with a lot of what Jesse says. I'm voting Obama, but I would've voted for either Jesse or Ron had they run.

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