
What did you think of Joe Bidens speech today?

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I think it was great. It was a glimpse of how he will take it to mccain (which is exactly what we need to win). Now, Obama can focus on his message of change, and Biden can focus on how Mccain will bring the same old, same old.

Obama/Biden 08!




  1. Really sounded like change from a guy who entered the senate when Obama was 11, don't it.  Wouldn't change mean someone who is not a "Washington Insider"?

  2. It appears that Biden has Tourettes Disorder which causes him to blurt out inappropriate words and phrases at any time.

    Words like "I'm smarter than you", and "Obama America"

    Liberal Writer Saw Biden as a Disaster Last Year

  3. Biden nailed his speech today.  He was passionate, straight-forward and gave us all a glimpse at how he is going to take it to McCain.  Excellent job by a guy who is the genuine article.

    Here is a link to the Yahoo! video of it:

  4. He makes Obama look weak in comparison, and that's why the ticket is doomed.

  5. He really displayed his "average Joe" appeal that comes from his humble, middle-class roots.  He has debts, he commutes to Washington on a train, and he doesn't even have a million dollars to his name.  He represents our struggles, our passions, and our dreams of a more promising future.  

  6. Same old same old..........nothing new and by the way where is this "change" Senator Obama was talking about with this pick as a V.P.?

  7. Well he seem to have the same problem as Obama they both said

    we couldn't take 4 more years of Bush and McCain I guess no one

    told them McCain is not Bush's Vice President.    

  8. It's great, feels good to see the republicans on the run and now saying that experience is a bad thing...  

  9. He kicked butt and took names.  Ha, Ha...It was great!

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