
What did you think of McCain's Speech Tonight?

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I thought he acted like a true bipartisan american. Hes got my vote

Democrat turned Republican

*Take Back Our Republic, Country First*

McCain/Palin '08




  1. I think his speech means we're in for some real improvements for Americans that McCain has in mind.  And I don't think that man quits until he gets his way.  :)

    Raising McCain '08

  2. Yes---Thank-You-----and 'lil Cindy says she will do her best to help----and believe me---she has Great ability and experience to help organize a National effort for Job Growth through development of our resources and energy independence..

    A Three-Fold Cord is not Easily Broken.

  3. I found it to be extremely sincere and honest. The last two minutes are really what this country needs!

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