
What did you think of McCains interview with the Food Network?

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Some highlights below:

Interviewer: Presidential campaigning is a lot of long hours on the road. Are you able to make time for breakfast while on the campaign trail?

McCain: As a POW in Vietnam, I wasn't served breakfast. Sometimes, I was lucky enough to find a bug. But, that was hardly a meal and less nutritious than what's in a small bowl of fruit loops.

Interviewer: What's your favorite ice cream?

McCain: There were no fridges or freezers anywhere to be found in jungles of Vietnam during the war. So, ice cream was not on the menu.

Interviewer: How do you like your steak?

McCain: I was once tied to a stake while being held prisoner during the Vietnam war. And, beef of course was not given to me.

Interviewer: Do you like beer or wine?

McCain: People may think I whine too much about my Vietnam POW experience, but it is uniquely part of who I am.

Interviewer: Thank you very much for your time, Mr. McCain.

McCain: I heard no "Thank You's" during my time as a Vietnam Prision of War




  1. Hahahahahaha ......... I just don't understand how people can vote for a person who gave up intel to the enemy for a little comfort.

  2. ...

  3. awesome, spot on, very funny

  4. that's not funny and its cruel  

  5. You mean they didn't ask him how many potatoes he currently owned?

  6. Those are "hardball" questions compared to how they'd interview him on FoxNews.

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