
What did you think of Palins" their are people who use change to further their careers, and their are people?

by Guest10996  |  earlier

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who use their careers to further change" comment last night. I think Obama's whole change venue just went out the window!!!




  1. hehehehehehehe!

    me too

    Ms Sarah is dynamite

  2. What, taking kids to hockey games and baking cookies for school?

  3. Awesome.

    Edit:  Heh.  Look at all the Obamaniacs trying to do damage control.  Palin hit a grand slam last night and everyone knows it.  The Obamabots are running scared.

  4. Your grammar is horrid.

    Anyway, I thought that it was normal republican wordplay that they think is so clever, but in the end means nothing.

  5. The correct word is THERE.

    Not only do I disagree with your spelling but also your contention. Her support? More Republican LIES! Yeah, she's a great Christian.............NOT!

  6. I think she's wrong. It all depends on the kind of change you're trying to make. I feel that Obama is trying to make a change for the better and "furthering his career" is secondary. It's the aftermath of the positive change that America needs. The fact that Obama may not have as much experience is not an issue. It just means he's got more to prove and has to work harder. He isn't backing down and I think that says a lot about what he could do for this country if he becomes president.  

  7. I think they need to air all of those comments from now until the election.

    Especially Guliani. He couldn't chose yes or no 130 times.

    Huckabe- She got more votes in her small town than Biden got running for President.

    It was not even an attack what she said, it was 100% true.

    The republicans attacked with truth.

  8. I think it was just more Republican gibberish.

    She said absolutely nothing in that speech.  Nothing.

    She has no experience, and she is a neo-con.

    McCain better dump her, or he will lose in a landslide!

  9. Brilliant!

    She didn't write it but delivered it well!!

  10. Empty words and hot air to make everyone cheer.  Nothing more. Her entire speech addressed no issues and said nothing.

  11. Um, it's "there", sweetheart lol

    Perhaps a remedial English class (not to mention a Poli Sci one haha)?

    I love when teenage girls think THEIR political opinion means something, when meanwhile THEY'RE simply spouting the political ideas of THEIR parents. Adorable.

    EDIT: Apparently you have to go back to grammar school to improve your diction lol How do I comment intelligently on a speech that was so idiotic? THERE'S nothing to say about it, really.

  12. yes, this was not wasted on the masses..I hope enough people just

    think what kind of person they want to represent them for the next

    four years.  One is going to win.  But let us pick the best one

  13. Stop trippin'. The person who is the epitome of blind ambition is Sarah Palin. She's pimped her daughter so that she can achieve fame. After she loses, her daughter is going to be bitter. As a responsible parent, she should have decline because of Bristol. When she didn't she fed her to the dogs of the media. she and no one else is responsible for the media frenzy around her daughter. She also didn't say what the great things McSame has done. Can you name one?

  14. It was a great point !! Among many !

  15. You just realized that now after Sara's comment? -_-

    Better now than never I guess.

  16. Tremendous.

    I feel that she and big John McCain are going to drive Barack Hussein Obama out of politics and out of our midst, thankfully.

  17. It was a very good (and true) line...

  18. First of all, the asker should learn to use the correct words when writing.  The word "their" is the wrong one to use here and she used it twice.  It makes no sense.  She is obviously a product of a school system under the Bush Administration.

    And people wonder why the US is falling behind.

  19. I think the GOP has found the antidote to the leftist kool-aid.

    Now if we could get them to rediscover the constitution things would be on the right track.

  20. She did an excellent job of describing herself with that neat little one-liner. Thanks Sara, for wanting to share.

  21. I thought it was a excellent statement that obviously drew alot of attention. I feel now that Obama is "on the run" and he can't compete with this Rep. team now. I am glad Obama's lack of experience has FINALLY been brought to light.

  22. Sara's a w***e and her daughter...GO OBAMA!!!

  23. A bit cliché, she needs a better speech writer but I think Obama already employed the best.


  24. Great point.  I can not wait until this woman is in the White House.

  25. Hit the nail on the head.

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