
What did you think of Senator McCain's Acceptance Speech?

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I thought it was excellent and very touching. What about those wack job die-hard Liberals that had to show up and make a scene? I think Senator McCain handled it well. "Ignore the ground noise and static".




  1. Quite satisfactory.

  2. Mccains speech contained no substance. It was a boat load of promises and goals in which he gave no plan for. It was not a brilliant speech in many respects. For one, this speech was meant as a means to get independent voters to change to republican. Compared to Barack Obama's speech you can tell Barack has real PRACTICAL plans that will actually work. However, in respect for Mccain the speech about his life was inspiring however, IT WAS NOT WHAT WE NEEDED. We know that John McCain was a war veteren who was totured. We know that he loves his country. What we do need to know is whether he will make the same mistakes as Bush. Whether he will make a GOOD decision rather than ANY desicion. We need to know how well THOUGHT OUT his plans are. Barack in his speech did attack McCain no doubt. But, instead of Palin speech of namecalling Barack provided working plans as a better way to make change. And just to let Republicans know...McCain has know executive experience just as Barack Obama has no executive experience. McCain failed to show that he will be a president that instead of making A decision he will make a RIGHT decision. That was what was needed in the convention. McCain's arguments were bland and Barack has no need to feel worried about effects of this speech. He has more to worry about Palin and her speech. For those who actually LISTEN to what the nominee's say, Barack Obama has shown an actually plan filled with substance and real time solutions while McCain has not yet even shown that he can make the correct decision. He argues that he makes his own desicion (which is fine) as long as your making the correct desicion. Furthermore, if youve actually read what Palin and McCain actually argue for you will find that some of the issues they argue for are crazy. Palin believes we dont affect global warming and that the future lies in oil not renewable energy. Even McCain doesn't agree with that.

    From a political standpoint, from Michelle Obama, to Hilary Clinton, to Bill Clinton, to Joe Biden, to Barack Obama the Democratic Convention was much more thought out and much better at getting what the Democrates need most. The Republican Convention while I wont say was a complete disaster, was not nearly as good as proving what Independent voters in paticular are trying to find out.

  3. He handled the disruptions well (really have to question the security of the convention to let those people in).  Besides that, he did an exceedingly poor job.  Every speaker went through McCain's war record.  Then, McCain's biography went through it again.  By the time McCain went through it in his speech, I feel I already knew his war record.  I get the fact that he is a war hero; however, his speech lacked specific plans if elected president.  Terrible speech-terribly delivered.  

  4. I think he's a raging nerd that I would have pummelled in the schoolyard. UGH. He needs a swirly.

  5. It sucked. Too bad I got kicked out.

  6. Soundbite after soundbite after soundbite.

    It was weak, scripted and badly read and kept skipping from one subject to another, bad continuity.

    S**t basically!

  7. it was the most boring thing ever! and he has a horrible voice, seriously. I dont see what people thought was so special about it. He is just another George Bush, this country is going to be in a depression if McCain is elected...

    Remember, this is just my own opinion

  8. it helped put me to sleep, so it did the job!

  9. Humility. It's a great trait. I liked it. A man that can admit when he is wrong. Something that Obama and Bush have no concept of.

    NObama 08

  10. excellent

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