
What did you think of Tuesday's Secret Life episode?

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I was expecting a really juicy great episode! But I wasn't all that thrilled with it yesterday. The scene with Tom and Betty was unnecessary and came out of nowhere. And why was Ashley totally freaking out about being "poor"? What a brat! lol Overall it definitely wasn't one of my favorites. What is your opinion?




  1. I thought it was really bad. I thought it was ridiculous that Anne listened to her 13 year old emotional daughter about letting her cheating husband come home; I though the Tom gets an internet prostitute was offensive; I thought Henry's girlfriend breaking up with him came out of nowhere; I'm so sick of Amy not doing anything about her pregnancy or school - come on! When is she going to go to the doctor? When is she going to actually start making some decisions? Oh, and I hate both of Amy's "friends."

  2. for some reason im hooked on watching the show myself.

    but i think they are horrible actors.

    and the relationship between ashley and her dad is weird.

    one minute she loves him and wants him home.

    the second shes mad at him.

    same thing with amy and bens relationship

    ben is so in love with amy

    and amy just always stayed quiet and unsure what was going on.

    and now in these newer episodes she seems so open and loving towards him.

    i just read the comment above mine. and i agree.

    i dont like the friends they gave amy...

    they made it seem like she has no real/true friends.

    and yeah why did bens 2 friends break up?

    and why did ashleys dad send bens friends into the room with her alone.

    shes only 13.

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