
What did you think of breaking dawn or the twilight series?

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What did you think of breaking dawn or the twilight series?




  1. I loved Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse. I can't say I loved Breaking Dawn. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it.

    In the first three, Bella was such a cool character. She was funny, insecure, clumsy, internally pretty, etc. In Breaking Dawn, she lost all of her cool qualities. Also in the first three, Edward was so cute and caring and adorable. He and Bella had a lot of little romantic things going on. None of that in BD.

    I surprisingly enjoyed Jacob's book. No lie, I HATED him after Eclipse. And now, he's not too bad.

    I hated how SM flip-flopped all of her characters. I also disliked how I hated the baby, then I loved her, then I hated her, and then I loved her.

    BD wasn't bad, but it wasn't what I was expecting. Nevertheless, Edward Cullen will forever be mine in fantasy land ♥

  2. i really enjoyed them personally, either you'll love them or hate them.

  3. I had decided to read the Series on a whim, I had gone to a party celebrating the release of Breaking Dawn, that's when I decided.

    I really enjoyed the series, I've been told that I'm one of the few guys that are like that. It really touched me too, New Moon especially. I really despised Jacob in Eclipse, I have trouble reading it now because of him. I see a lot of similarities between him and me. Some of them are the parts of myself I don't like or are ashamed off.

    Breaking Dawn was great! I thought she stretched a little, but that is the wonderful thing about being a author. When you write a story you become God in a way, it is a universe of your own creation. You decide what happens. I was happy it ended the way it did. She is a great author, I'm really looking forward to the movie and Midnight Sun.

  4. Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse were AMAZING.  Breaking Dawn was an embarrassment  to Stephenie Meyer. All of the back plots, character's personalities, and potential were ruined. Jacob's POV was surprisingly the most enjoyable part of the book.  Seriously, Bella getting pregnant? And then suddenly wanting to be a mom?  To a child that's killing her? WTF? And if I close my eyes, all of my troubles will go away and I'll become perfect!

    SM should have stopped while she was ahead.

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