
What did you think of our next Vice President of the United States Gov. Sarah Palin's speech at the RNC?

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What did you think of our next Vice President of the United States Gov. Sarah Palin's speech at the RNC?




  1. She rocked! Giuliani was great too. Both telling it the way it REALLY IS with Obama.

  2. I think she's great and did a great job.

  3. We all took a drink every time she lied, so I'm pretty buzzed.  Special needs children have a friend in the white house.  Palin cut that program by about 60% in  Alaska.

  4. She did a d**n great job of accepting CREDIT for a speech written by Matthew Scully, a guy who met her last week!

    Any IDIOT from Alaska could deliver that drivel with less than 5 words with more than three syllables.

  5. it was GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  6. She used Obama's name big time to elevate herself.

    It's an old Neocon trick.

  7. I thought her speech was the best so far at the Republican convention, but that bar was set very low.

  8. Biden did not speak at the RNC tonight so that is not possible.  

  9. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

  10. It was phony just like her! She attacked Obama to keep from talking about her unruly , sham of a life!

  11. The speech was carefully crafted for preaching to the choir. As for other "thinking" Americans, foolish questions such as if Sarah Palin were to become President of the United States of America (full title) what would she do if: 1 - The Red Phone rang and it wasn't her hair dresser.

    2 - The President of France hit on her.

    3 - Seriously! Dealing with potential Nuclear Powers.

         Bringing our troops home rather then sending a frightened son to Iraq as a front for her hyper patriotism. Ecology, Global Warming, The Economy (almost forgot that one). etc. etc.

    It's what "wasn't" in the speech that should get the attention.

    Cynical? Yes! - Reality? - Yes - Hope? - Obama/Biden!

                               * God Bless America *


  12. "our next Vice President of the United States"?

    Silly boy, Biden spoke last week.

    You really need to keep up with the times...

  13. She REALLY silenced the pundits, did you see MSNBC and CNN, they look like deer caught in the head lights, or should I say caribou...

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