
What did you think of the New Yorkers self proclaimed Satirical cover caricature?

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What did you think of the New Yorkers self proclaimed Satirical cover caricature?




  1. I was underwhelmed:

  2. I thought it was hilarious.

  3. I don't think it worked. It wasn't "out there" enough to get a point across, and thus could be interpreted in too many ways.

  4. Incredibly poor taste.

  5. This cartoon is a satire. It's supposed to be making fun of the outrageous theories people have made up about Barack Obama being a muslim and anti-american etc. The problem is, when a magazine puts a cover out like this...people have to get that it is satire. There are a lot of ignorant people out there who will see this as confirmation that Barack Oabma is: A muslim, Hates America, and on and on.

    When people made fun of GW...everybody understood it was poking fun.  This is not the case here.

    I believe it wasn't a well thought out cover. But I can't say it was wrong.  In the proper context...I completely GET the joke.

    But at this point my real issue is with the demonization of Islam.  I'm not a muslim, but I have a serious problem with everyone "accusing" Barack of being a muslim as though...Christianity were a prerequisite (it is in the minds of some) for the presidency.  

    This is a slippery road into second class citizenship.

    I mean you either get mad that he was member of Wright's church...or you think he is a muslim *smh* but you can't be angry about both. It's a bit contradictory.

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