
What did you think of the earthquake in southern California?

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yeasterday I was on the computer and i felt the room shake a bit but i ignored it cuz an airplane was passing my house at that time and the airplane usually makes my house shake abit but then i felt it shake harder so i freaked out and ran to the hallway and I'm still not over it because it was freaky and now I hear that an even bigger erthquake is going to hit soon and now I'm really scared, but whats your story? Tell me what happened when you first felt the earth shake and what you did and what you felt in the inside,?




  1. i didnt even know  i was driving home and i thought there was a truck or something passing by me and it was quick too. i pulled over got nout and it was pratically over

    and who cares one earthquake, my house is earthquake proof. u can do that for under 3000 bucks. and everyone in ca should if there that scared

  2. I'm assuming you meant the earthquake that hit Chino Hills majorly ?

    I felt it too! I was so freaked out. It was pretty strong too!

    I was actually at a daycare volunteering job and totally freaked out while playing with the kids! ahah.

    Other than that, I went under the table until the shooking stop and then went outside for awhile.

    I feel to scary to live in California now! :(

    And to know that the 'big one' earthquake might hit anytime in california is just too frightening!

  3. i was on my computer myspacing, and I saw my cousin post a buletin about an earthquake in california.. (im in hawaii)

  4. dudee i was so scared i thought it was going to be a major one!

    i was in summer school and my teacher was in his office to go eat and the class was just watching a movie silently and all of a sudden everything was shaking and the floor was swaying and at first i was like " woah wtf haha o well" but then he came o ut and yelled " everyone get under your desks!"

    i was so scared! the floor was like swaying kinda and everything was shaking :( i hope another one does not come

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