
What did you think of the recent comments made by Johnny Miller of NBC regarding Rocco Mediate??

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What did you think of the recent comments made by Johnny Miller of NBC regarding Rocco Mediate??




  1. I didn't hear what he said, but that stuff always gets blown way out of proportion on TV - it is what makes the commentators job so hard.  They are expected to ad lib everything live, but have to be so careful not to offend anyone.  By the way kenny-wo - Hogan never advocated a one plane swing on the contrary he was one of the first to explain the two plane swing in terms most of us could understand.

  2. Miller has always been an annoying know-it-all, I heard him say it at the time but it didn't surprise me because he's always making stupid comments like that.   If you pay attention to him, he'll make half a dozen absolutely brainless statements in every 3-hour broadcast he hosts.   I wish Koch or Costas would backhand him across the face one of these days.   I like watching golf on CBS rather than NBC, and Miller is one of the reasons.

  3. Well, they were kind of funny actually. When I heard that, I started laughing. I could imagine Rocco actually cleaning Tiger's pool while Tiger was in recovery, just quitting a week or two before the US Open to practice. As for anyone complaining, I pity you for being so uptight and narrow-minded. Of course, you need to be because someone will always try to find negativity in the most ridiculous ways. You all start out from believing people like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, etc. and their feelings, when they have not been clear of trouble, either. Today's society isn't just politically correct; it's scared to express itself. With Miller's comment's, he's just comparing Rocco to the everyman kind-of golfer with his likable personality. I don't know any stereotypes of Italians being pool cleaners, so race or religion was not involved. Rocco thought Miller's comments were blown out of proportion. In fact, he likes Johnny for being openly expressive and opinionated, which makes him an exciting golf announcer in my books, too. In my opinion, anyone offended that badly should learn to be more open-minded, unless someones comments are actually offensive and can be verified well enough. It seems only knh959, Flatstick, and I get it around here!

  4. **** Johnny Miller.  He's a stuck up Mormon who thinks he's better than everyone else.  He is a total advocate of the "one-planed swing" ala Ben Hogan.  The man said that when Craig Perry won, at Doral in like 04, his swing sucked.  I hated that NBC did a piece about his son who gave up golf (he could've gone pro) to become a missionary (LDS).

    Here's the problem, people like him will not get removed because of the politics within NBC Sports.  But people like Gary McCord are removed from the Masters because he said the greens were like a ladies legs after a bikini wax.  Im sorry, but McCord tells it like it is and Miller ALWAYS tries to say something negative in order to subliminaly place himself at the top.

  5. I've seen a couple of interveiws with Rocco on the golf channel and he does come across like the average guy who likes to gets out on Saturday morning for 18 with the buddies.  Just a nice average guy who's company on the course would be a pleasure.    I believe Miller when he said that he was just trying to convey Rocco's average guy demeanour.  The world has become so PC.  Gawd give me strength.

  6. Hey, If the man apologized for his remarks, why are you still beating the " dead Horse " ? I am absolutely sick of all these " holier than thou" attitudes from people whose accomplishments are unknown, but who criticize the loudest. So -- GET A LIFE !!

  7. I think it's kinda uncalled for and somewhat offensive to call a pro player looks like a pool cleaner, or that the name Rocco is not suitable on a US Open trophy.

  8. Clearly Johnny Miller has no class and very poor taste. I met Rocco at Doral in 1996 or 1997 and he was the nicest guy in the world.

  9. funny but harsh, i like rocco but was still rooting for tiger :)

    but he HAS appologized now saying ...

    "I apologize to anyone who was offended by my remarks," Miller said in a statement Friday through NBC. "My intention was to convey my affection and admiration for Rocco's everyman qualities and had absolutely nothing to do with his ethnicity. I chose my words poorly and in the future will be more careful."

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