
What did you think of your high school royalty / aristocrats?

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Every school had those select privileged few, the girl that every guy wanted to go out with, the guy who's number was worth it's weight in gold, that one kid who could have been Ferris Buller's real life counter part, etc. Some of these people more or less ruled the school like kings and queens, while others were simply living the high life of a teenage aristocrats. What did you think of these people?




  1. I was picked on by those kings n queens but considering i live in australia it wasnt as bad as what i hear in american schools.

    They used to pick on me for being overweight, ugly, just big because im also tall. At one stage they tied my bag to the bag rack and i couldnt get it loose so my sister resorted to cutting it with scissors. When we finally got it freed we saw one of the popular girls smirking as she walked away. She also happened to be the chaplain - pastors daughter.

    Its been 5 yrs and ive actually spoken to a few or some have added me to facebook or myspace and its quite scary when they seem to like you all of a sudden because i look good or different. They'll make comments and actually want to hang out with you. I know 2 of them are still living the high life considering it was a private school i went to.  

  2. I currently still despise them all.

    The way I see it, though, that stuff doesn't really matter.  Popularity is overrated, and I've found that most of the High School Kings 'N' Queens around my parts of the woods probably couldn't think their way out of a paper bag.

    Think Jessica Simpson wanting to know if the tuna was chicken or fish, and then add a little bit of a bumbling cave man and you'll get a fourth of the stupidity that these people have.

    Overall, I don't think it will really ever matter who was popular in high school.  When it comes down to the nitty gritty, these people either grow up and succeed, or are so caught up in being popular and getting all the dates that they end up another teenage pregnancy statistic or don't care enough to go onto college.

    Just my thoughts the way I think 'em.

    As a side note, I hate how most of them look down on the little people.  I wonder if they realize that if all the little people went away, they would be just like everyone else and wouldn't have anyone to stomp on.

  3. I didn't like these people, but I also knew that they wouldn't amount to much once high school was over. And I was right. Most of them are single parents (guys, too, not just the women) or they're still working serving jobs in their late 20s. I get the last laugh, hahahaha!

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