
What did you think when Bush was talking about "illegal detention" Thailand this aftenoon?

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What did you think when Bush was talking about "illegal detention" Thailand this aftenoon?




  1. . . . . . patterns are similar, just this week administration said even if they are found not guilty, they will still be held indefinitely as they are 'enemy combatants'. Not many people know this but if you are declared an enemy combatant you could be detained for life without any trial.

    Secret trials???


    detention without charge???


    Patriots Act??

    How can we defend and preach free democratic values when we destroy the core elements our democracy stands on!

  2. I have been saying that for almost twenty years, he never read Amnesty international or any books on Burma or many countries over the last few decades. Then I recalled he admits he never read a book. So no surprise from the man.  

  3. Well he wasnt talking about the torture prison he has anyway.  Hypocrite

  4. guantanamo, the hypocritical f'uckwit.

    give them some human rights, why dont you?

  5. yeah, what about guantanamo and abu ghraib?

  6. Nothing he is  boring idiot.

  7. Hmmm, now Thailand's next on the hitlist. Lol at the irony.

  8. Wonder where his cuddly teddy is?

  9. He was talking about holding people in prisons without due process for whatever reason they want.

    NOT the same as Guantanimo or Abu Graib. Those people were captured fighting for our enemies.

    It seems that some folks think that we should have given every captured combatant in World War II a lawyer so he could tell the judge that he wasn't trying to kill Americans, he was just doing his job. Poor guy.

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