
What did you use as alternative treatment to cure and survive mesothelioma asbestos cancer?

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Hi, I'm doing a new web site about diagnosis malignant mesothelioma titled and true stories about people diagnosed with mesothelioma asbestos cancer and USED AN ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT TO SURVIVE LONGER THAN 24 MONTHS . This cancer normally kills people within 24 months, but some survive longer.

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  1. The above answer should be the best answer. But, in conjunction, you need a food that transforms your body into a more alkiline state. something like dark green vegitables. Cancer is found in the acidic tissue, where dead cells do not necessarily die, but become abnormal and irregular. This promotes the chances of cancer cells becoming less dormant and becoming abnormal. The less of an acid producing body you have, the less chance of cancer forming. The same is thought if you already have cancer. kemo is not always enough, but consuming foods that leave your body with a more base pH, the better your chances of preventing your cancer from spreading to another area and growing. Also, habbits that get your body producing alkine, such as colder showers instead of warm ones. Anything that gets your nerves jolting will cause your body to raise its pH level.

    A long time ago, Dr. Otto Warburg  won a nobel peace prize for proving that cancer is anaerobic; meaning they thrive only in a low-oxygen state. Alkaline tissue holds 20 times more oxygen than does acidic tissue.

  2. The ONLY treatment I've ever seen work (and work often!) is the Immuno Augmentive Therapy (IAT) Clinic in Freeport Grand Bahamas.  They are run by British and Bahamian medical doctors, and are in my opinion by far the best alternative cancer treatment center in the world.

    For some reason, their treatment (small injections you take several times a day containing immune system proteins) works especially well with mesothelioma, and they are well known for treating it, and often get referrels from Stateside and British MD.s.

    Visit their website at either...

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