
What did you want to be when you grew up?

by Guest56342  |  earlier

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(just thought i'd ask, you know...)




  1. Vet

  2. i always wanted to be an air hostess, they looked so classy walking out of the arrivals with straight postures, perfect smiles and a classy uniform.

    but lately that dream has sort of worn thin, since ive developed a small fear of flying (despite being a frequent flyer). plus i get really sick from jet lag, so it wouldnt be a very practical job for me.

    a girl can dream...

  3. I always hated this question when i was in school, because all i wanted to be was a mum, i had no idea career wise

    I'm now 24 and a mum of 2, and i still don't know what i want to do for a job.

  4. a lawyer but flunked rather badly in first year.....became a business manager and a production line worker and a volunteer at the prison cafeteria.......lots of interesting jobs now self employed handy person----doesn't pay much and the hours are long and it is too cold to paint 10 C outside !

  5. I wanted to be a veterinarian for marine mammals. I'm so disappointed in myself for never realizing my dream or at least coming close.

  6. Police officer  

  7. A shrink, instead i beccame a professional musician . . .

  8. Part of the navy or air force. Just goes to show how plans never work out, since these days I'm an unemployed man living on welfare benefits and drowning his sorrows in cheap booze.

  9. In elementary school, I mainly wanted to draw comics and write stories.

    In middle school, I wanted to be a journalist.

    In high school, I wanted to be a journalist.  After being a journalist on the high school paper, I decided that I wanted to be a writer/artist of children's books.

    In college, I decided to be an elementary school teacher.  I quit college and became a stay-at-home mom.  

    Now, I am working on being a writer of children's books.  

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