
What did you want to do for a living when you were 12 years old...?

by  |  earlier

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And how does it compare to what you do now??




  1. That was 2 years ago and I still want to be a physical therapist.

  2. i am 16 and i would have taken that job at gamestop about street would have been fun even though it is illegal  

  3. I wanted to be Donny Osmonds wife

    <-------always lived for the big dream

    I sell building materials now....wha' happened?!

  4. I wanted to be a mermaid. im serious, i wanted to make a mermaid suit, run away from home and live in the ocean and on rocks

    lol now im going to be a nurse

  5. A veterinarian or pediatrician.  I still would like to be a veterinary assistant because I love animals, but I don't think I could handle crying, sick children.  I'd be crying, too.

    Right now I just sit at a desk on my fat asss... lol.

  6. Nothing and that's exactly what I'm doing now.  Gosh I hope I get a job offer this week!

  7. Wanted to be an Artist back then..Today I am active within my own artristry.

  8. be a teacher\

    i want to be a teacher or some kind of writer

  9. i wanted to be an actress or an architect. now i want to be a movie director or a costume designer.

  10. At 12 I sat on my butt looking cute. Now I still sit on my butt but I'm not so cute. hahaa

  11. Game Ranger in the Kruger National park.

    well, I'm still beating off wild animals with a S****y stick!

  12. I was undecided then and I'm still undecided now.

  13. I wanted to work in a school and it is exactly what I'm doing now.

  14. I wanted to be a painter.

    I still only want to be a painter.  

  15. i mowed lawns ,until we almost took my cousin's eye out with a flying rock.

    do you think if someone else got hit with a rock , i could get out of waitressing, too?  

  16. I wanted to be a cowboy.

    It doesn't even come close.

  17. Be a writer and I still want to be a writer.

  18. I wanted to be a translator.

    I already spoke French as well as English,  and was about to start taking Spanish .. that summer I went all over Europe with my parents and it opened my eyes and ears. It's something we should all do ..

    Most of the jobs I've had didn't REQUIRE fluency in 2+ languages but it certainly made them easier and more fun. I am a Kinesiology major but if something should happen to my body before graduation, I will switch to Import / Export Mgt, a field in which being multi-lingual is a tremendous asset.

  19. I wanted to be a Journalist or anything that has to do with writing. Now I'm a Massage Therapist. But I still want to publish a book or two or three one day. I still have that 12 year old dream that I will.  

  20. Fireman

  21. I wanted to be a veternarian

  22. I wanted to be a Secretary and now i basically take care of the house, all the paperwork, finances. so it isn't much different

  23. I wanted with a passion to teach people how to read....I ended up doing just that!!! is or was NOT my vocation....I ended up in communications and the entertainment industry.....a life well spent thus far....thanks..this made me smile!


  24. Marine and a firefighter

    going to the Marine military academy in 10 mouths

    and then going to probehe fdny test

  25. I wanted to play second base for the Atlanta Braves.

    Seems they already have one, *sigh*.

    I'm indoors most of the time, and don't run much.

  26. I wanted to be a mom and famous like Karen Carpenter.  I got the mom part right, I am slightly notorious and do a helluva karaoke KC.

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