
What did your baby weigh when they were born and how old were they when they weighed 11lbs?

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What did your baby weigh when they were born and how old were they when they weighed 11lbs?




  1. My daughter was born at 10 lbs 9 oz. they day we left she was 10 lbs even. It was a month later she was 11 lbs. Are you worried about something?

  2. 1 hit it about when he turned 2 months

    #2 hit it a week shy of 2 months.

    #3 hit it about 1 1/2 wks shy of 2 months.

    #4 hit it about a week shy of 2 months.

    So all hit 11 lbs within a 1 1/2 week range.  However, they're birth weights were 7 lb 0 oz, 7 lb 2 oz, 8 lb 12 oz, and 8 lb 0 oz.  The one who hit it earliest was the heaviest at birth, and the lightest hit it latest.  But, again. it was a very close range.  Despite the different birth weights, by 2-3 months, my children all weighed about the same.

  3. my son weighed 6 lbs. 15 oz. and he was a month early. he weighed 11 lbs. when he was a 1 1/2 months.

  4. she weighed 6lbs 13oz at birth

    & 10lbs 8oz at 2 months...and 11 around 2 months & 2 weeks..

    shes 3 months now.

  5. 9lbs 6oz at birth.

    11 pounds by 1.5 months.

  6. My girl was two months early, weighed 4lbs 7 oz and was 11lbs by 4 months

  7. Mine is the same as the first girl, pretty much.

    My baby girl was born at 9 pounds 5.6 ounces and weighed 11 pounds by 3 - 5 weeks.

    She'll be 2 months on the first of September and she's probably 13-14 pounds.

    She's not fat though, she's really long.

  8. Mark was 6 lbs and 4.4 oz. He was almost 11 lbs at about 2 or 2 1/2 months.

  9. my son weighed 8lbs 10Oz's at birth at  2 months  he weighed 11lbs 13 Oz's

    my daughter weighed 6lbs 15ozs at 2 months she weighed 11lbs 5 ozs and is now 15 lbs at 5 months old!!

  10. My son,,,,8lbs, 91/2 oz....about 2 months at 11 lbs.

    My daughter....7lbs. 81/2 ozs...about 3 months until 11

  11. My son weighed 8 lbs 7 oz at birth and then at 5 and a half weeks he weighed 10 lbs 1 oz, my daughter she was 8lbs 10.6 oz at birth and was 11 lbs at like a couple weeks old. She is now 16 lbs and 4 months!

  12. my son was 7lbs 9 oz at birth and 12 lbs 3 oz at 2 daughter was 7 lbs 7 oz at birth and11 lbs 6 oz at 2 months

  13. My son at birth weighed 8lbs 15 his 2 month he was 14lbs 8oz.

  14. My third son was 8 lbs, 6 oz. when born and was 11 lbs 7 oz. at 2 months.  

  15. My son weighed 10 lbs 4 oz at birth and weighed 11 lbs by the time he was a month old.

  16. Born - 6 Lbs. 6 oz.

    3.5 months - 11 lbs.

    9 years old - 43 lbs. (4'2)

    13 years old - 78 lbs (4'11)

    17 years old (current) - 119 (5'8)


    I don't like gaining so much weight though :/ it seems like as I get older, I get heavier a lot quicker, it's starting to bug me a lot. :(

    I try to maintain my weight by running a lot and having as little body fat as possible :D !

  17. my daughter was 7.5 and 2 months when she weighed 11

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